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Welcome to Year 5 Class Page

Welcome back to the new academic year... Where did those summer holidays go? I really do hope you had a great break and that you are raring to go through year 5. This year, in Year 5, we have Mr Alli, Mr Crowther and Ms Gill as the teachers. Class support is Miss Horman in 5A and Mrs Wilkinson in 5CG. We cannot wait to get going and make sure that all children make progress.

Should you need to speak with Mr Alli, Mr Crowther or Ms Gill, please do not hesitate to contact school and arrange a convenient time to see us. 







Class 5A - Our Learning - blog

Autumn 1 Week 6

Children this week have worked extremely well on planning their formal mission log in English. They used their prior knowledge from the previous writing outcome to begin their formal mission log. Children chose between Apollo 12, 14 and 17 to do some research on. Children were fascinated with what the astronauts had to plan for and why they went on their mission. Children worked in pairs to complete their plan, including the new grammar they had been taught this week. Children also became astronauts and reporters during one of our sessions, testing each other’s knowledge. We worked on brackets (for additional information) and relative phrases and pronouns.


In Maths this week, children completed their work on addition and subtraction. We moved on from working on a number line to working on a grid method. Children chose between mentally adding, grid method and jotting to complete calculations. Children showed immense progress as at the beginning of the week they were struggling to work mentally. Children found ways to round and find connections between numbers (numbers bonds).

In science, we continued with our topic of living things and their habitats. We looked at how non-flowering plants reproduce and how this differed from a flowering plant. Children then move onto researching how seeds are dispersed. This is linked with their TAPS enquiry to research and find examples of how seeds are spread across the world. Children learn that seeds are moved by wind, water, explosion, are hung on animals or excreted by animals.


In our Junior Jam sessions, we began with computing. This involved children creating a beat and then rapping about something we like. Our French sessions included looking at the subjects we do in school in French. We then wrote out sentences and read them to the class. Our Junior Jam session ended with striking and fielding outside on the playground. We practised our cricket skills.

Our art session consisted of children making their visual map come alive. Children made 2D maps of an island and then converted these into 3D models. We first looked at what maps look like on Google maps and what trees looked like from a birds-eye view. We then switched to the street view, where the children were able to see how the dimensions had changed.


Our guided reading sessions consisted of looking at ‘The infinite lives of Maisie Day’. Children were excited about working on this book as it was one that they were focusing on for their end-of-day class novel. We worked on predictions for the parts of the text we hadn’t read, and then moved onto understanding characters' thoughts and feelings.

“This week has been my first week at this school and I have loved it. Phoebe has been an amazing friend and really helped me settle in. I loved doing P.E and doing athletics in the hall.”



“Every year on the 10th of October is ‘World Mental Health Day’. We started off doing a word search and then learning about how we can be more positive towards ourselves and others. We then made a poster for World Mental Health day to raise awareness for others”.


Autumn 1 Week 5

In English this week we continued our work on a formal mission log. We spent some time looking at formal language and identifying words that are. We then discussed why formal language is used over informal language. We then looked at a formal mission log and identified key features from it. Children were able to find numerous features from ‘What a good one looks like’ and use these examples in their own.

This week in Maths continued working on addition and subtraction. We looked at jumping on a number line, however, looking at compensating numbers. Children were able to draw on their knowledge of place value, rounding numbers and decimals to correctly answer questions. This new learning gives them the opportunity to try and work equations out in their heads using the techniques learnt. We also looked at rearranging questions that we could answer a lot more efficiently.

Science this week, we began looking at the life process of a plant. Children recapped their precious knowledge of parts of a plant and went into detail about what pollination, fertilisation and germination were.

 In PSHE we looked at empathising with children whose lives are different from ours. Children discussed similarities and differences between themselves and other children from around the world. This included home life, disabilities, religion, environment and appearance.


Our R.E session this week focused on ‘Why Christians need the Bible?’ and if it is important. We then held a debate on how life would be different if we didn’t have the Bible. Children were able to produce both sides of the argument and then choose a side to debate about.


Visual maps were our focus this week in art. Children will spend the next 2 weeks completing their own 3D map. Children today looked at our school from a birds-eye view and drew the rooms and hall. Children preserved through this and produced some wonderful visual maps.


“I really like this week because we had the chance to stand a debate about what we thought was right.”

“I’m really enjoying improving my handwriting this year. This is a goal I have for this year and I really want to get better at it.”

Autumn 1 Week 4

In English this week we have written out our exploration narrative of the moon. The children have written a wonderful narrative packed with wonderful features. We have been improving the grammar that we have introduced into our work. Children have been using inverted commas (speech marks), dashes for parenthesis and expanded noun phrases. Children have listened to each other’s work and even had the opportunity to edit and improve their work. We have had thesaurus out and exploration vocabulary to add to the narrative. Children have agreed that they have written ‘What an even better one looks like’.


This week in Maths, children finished off the unit of place value and moved onto addition and subtraction. We looked at ways to make adding and subtracting easier. We partitioned numbers – recalling our prior knowledge- to help us tackle the equation. We looked at making jumps on a number line, which was different to the column method.

Children drew some fantastic bar charts in their science this week. They used their research from the previous week, of the gestation periods, to make their bar charts. Children liked that they could show their research as a bar chart rather than just a table. We then also researched the life expectancy of different animals on average. They were shocked at how many years some animals live for, and how short some insects live for.


In our PSHE lessons we talked about rules and responsibilities. We talked about the rights we have in school and in the wider community. We discussed what we should do to keep our local community clean and safe. In our class and base assemblies, we carried on the topics of democracy and ambition. We discussed how we are all important and how we need each other for support. We linked this to a cart and how the small bolt keeps the very important wheel moving.

Our art session consisted of children using a map to draw typography. We drew what we could see on the maps, using the road and streets. Children really enjoyed this as children were able to draw what they saw (just like looking up at the clouds).


Most children came in with their P.E. kits on this week, and we had a wonderful time perfecting our hockey skills again. We first played a game of air hockey and then moved onto getting the hockey sticks out and a ball. Children focused on their dribbling skills again and passing.

"I loved playing hockey this week. I am starting to get the hang of it and my passing is getting better. I liked playing air hockey as a warm-up".


"I really enjoyed writing about my space exploration this week. We made a plan with a partner and now have written our narrative. We used a success criteria which made it easier to follow what I needed to use. I then showed my work to Mrs Lawton. She was super impressed and couldn't wait to read more.


Autumn 1 Week 3

This week in English we continued our work on our exploration narrative. Children this week enjoyed becoming astronauts and discussed the thoughts and feelings the astronauts would be experiencing.  We role-played walking on the moon and the children were creative with this. We even had a ‘moonwalk’. We then began starting our plan, where children would write their own moon land exploration. Children have learnt some exciting grammar and vocabulary which they will introduce into their work.


Maths this week involved children rounding numbers to the nearest 10,100,1000,10 000 and 100 000. Children used their knowledge of place value to also find the greatest number. Children have also enjoyed practising their timetables twice a day. They have 2 minutes to complete 40 questions on their 5x table and are showing daily improvements.

In science, children continued the topic of living things and their habitats. We looked at the differences and similarities between a mammal, an amphibian and an insect. Children filled their findings into a Venn diagram and were then able to share their research. Children also researched the gestation period of mammals and were amazed to find the range at which the periods last for.

In our shared reading, children were able to look at different examples of how a non-fiction text is set out. We looked at examples from books, websites and interactive displays. We discussed layout features and how it would attract readers' attention. Children enjoyed looking at the ‘European Space Agency’ website for kids.

Children learnt this week about trade in the UK. We talked about supply and demand and where trade points are in the UK. We discussed why we have a canal in Blackburn and why they thought it was a good idea to build one. We wrote down the different economic sectors in the UK and what they produce. We also improved on our vocabulary in Geography.

Our Junior Jam sessions continued on Mondays and children were still very enthusiastic. They began with computing, where they had the opportunity to make beats on their iPads. They then went into French and wrote what their favourite hobby was. They ended the day with P.E. and really enjoyed the athletic games that the coach put on.

“I really liked the ESA website for children as I got to learn more about space in a fun way. I think that websites that are interactive with games and learning really help to keep my attention. When I go home, I am going to search the website and learn more about space.”

“This year I really want to get better at my handwriting. We started off with some warm-ups on PenPals to get our hands and arms warmed-up.”


“Hockey is a sport I saw in the Olympics during the summer. We had a go at controlling the ball first with the hockey stick and then went into passing and controlling the ball.”




Autumn 1 Week 2

In English this week we have started looking at our exploration narrative. We explored Neil Armstrong’s mission to the moon and discussed the ambitions the astronauts needed to have. We had fun looking at and exploring their equipment and working on their thoughts and feelings. Children looked at a WAGOLL (what a good one looks like) in an exploration narrative and all agreed that by the end of the unit they would have ‘What an even better one looks like’. Whilst working on this, children have also learnt new grammar which they have inputted into their work.

Maths this week involved continuing working on place value. Children enjoyed working with the resources and further developing their understanding. We compared numbers and found numbers on a number line, looking at numbers up to 1,000,000. Children look forward to completing challenges and helping others.

Living things and their habitats is our unit this term in Science. We had a lengthy discussion about ‘what is science?’ and children were able to share their thoughts and ideas. Children enjoy their science lessons as they can research and complete experiments. We learnt about the life cycle of a butterfly this week and found similarities and differences between the two types of birds.


We started our Geography topic this week by looking at what trade is. Children were fascinated by finding out where their uniforms and food came from. We looked at the countries of Brazil and India to see what they exported and imported. We learnt that trade is very important because there are things that we require that are not available in our country.


Junior Jams had their first session on Monday with the children. Children enjoyed all subjects and were so enthusiastic. Computing involved playing music through an app called iJam. In French, children learnt how to say what activities they like and P.E. they took part in athletic games. Wednesday was also our P.E. session and children took part in a carousel of athletic games.



“We did art on Friday and started looking at Typography. We researched two famous artists that have made their artwork known. I liked that we were able to get laptops out and work with a partner. I am excited about doing some typography work and getting creative.”

“I liked that I was given the opportunity to speak in front of the class and vote to become a values representative. We role-played like it was a voting station and posted our votes onto a tray. Our assemblies this week have been fun to take part in. In our base assembly, we looked at inspirational people and then, the class assembly looked at how we can become ambitious.”



Autumn 1 Week 1

In English this week, we worked on a recount of a story. This involved writing a diary entry in first person and then further retelling the story. Children revisited their grammar skills and then made some fantastic sentences. Children retold the story and really enjoyed becoming the character and discussing his thoughts and feelings.

In Maths, we reintroduced place value. Children were able to recall their prior knowledge and use it to work on numbers that went into hundreds of thousands. They used place value counters and place value arrows to figure out the value of each number.

We started our Science topic this term by looking at living things and their habitats. We had lengthy discussions about life cycles and then went into detail about a life cycle of a bird.



Each afternoon in Base 5 we worked on our core values. This links to our PSHE. This involved looking deeply into British values and our new Meadowhead core values. We had a visitor that spoke to our base 5 children about respect and tolerance, within our school and the wider community. In class, we focused on values such as teamwork, friendship, respect, kindness and ambition. Our class and base assemblies also covered racism and how we can overcome adversity.



Pupils voice

"I really enjoyed our English lessons this week. It felt really amazing to be writing again after 6 weeks off. I really like becoming the character and thinking about his thoughts and feelings. I liked that we got to watch a video and then have discussions. We learnt that a good writer will help the reader to become part of the story."

" I really like that we are able to come to school and feel safe and secure. We are recognised for how we walk around school and our teachers are kind with the dojos. We are respectful of the play equipment, and we like that it is now being looked after."

Class 5CG - Our Learning - blog

Autumn 1 Week 6

In English this week we continued our work on a formal mission log. We spent some more time looking at formal language and identifying words that are. We then discussed why formal language is used over informal language. We spent some time hot-seating and pretending we were astronauts and how we would feel during the mission and discussing any challenges we may have faced. Children were then able to use these techniques to create a plan for our mission log report and have begun to write it.


Maths this week we continued working on addition and subtraction. We have also looked at addition and subtraction using a written method for both whole and decimal numbers. The children have just begun to look at statistics and analysing data through bar charts.

Science this week we began looking at the life process of a plant. Children recapped their precious knowledge on parts of a plant and went into detail about sexual and a-sexual reproduction of plants, particularly looking at Fern and Conifer trees.

In PSHE we looked at our Mental Health and celebrated World Mental Health day, writing sentences on how we can think positively about ourselves and how we can help others to think positively.

Our R.E session this week focused on Holy Books from the main world religions. We researched how they are used in religion, when they are used, who wrote them and when they were written.

“I really enjoyed the fact that the Mental Health day was fun because we looked at lots of things to help others”.

“I have been enjoying doing statistics and reading the data, which has made me learn more”.

"I really enjoyed art today. I made 3D visual map of a beach."


Autumn 1 Week 5

In English this week we continued our work on a formal mission log. We spent some time looking at formal language and identifying words that are. We then discussed why formal language is used over informal language. We then looked at a formal mission log and identified key features from it. Children were able to find numerous features from ‘What a good one looks like’ and use these examples in their own.

Maths this week we continued working on addition and subtraction. We looked at jumping on a number line, however, looking at compensating numbers. Children were able to draw on their knowledge of place value, rounding numbers and decimals to correctly answer questions. This new learning gives them the opportunity to try and work equations out in their heads using the techniques learnt. We also looked at rearranging questions that we could answer a lot more efficiently.

Science this week we began looking at the life process of a plant. Children recapped their precious knowledge on parts of a plant and went into detail what pollination, fertilisation and germination were.

In PSHE we looked at empathising with children whose lives are different from ours. Children discussed similarities and differences with themselves and other children from around the world. This included homelife, disabilities, religion, environment and appearance.

Our R.E session this week focused on ‘Why Christians need the Bible?’ and if it is important. We wrote arguments for and against about whether the Bible is important or not. Children then chose a which side they would like to represent. Children were respectful and took turns to counter the debate.

“I really enjoyed practising my defending skills in hockey this week and also our team games in athletics”.

“I didn’t realise how big the school was until we had to draw our visual map of the school in our art session, it was hard, but I didn’t give up”.


Autumn 1 Week 4

In English this week we have written our exploration narrative of the Moon. The children have written a wonderful narrative packed with wonderful features. We have learnt grammar that we have introduced in our work. Children have been using inverted commas (speech marks), dashes for parenthesis and expanded noun phrases. Children have listened to each other’s work and even had the opportunity to edit and improve their work. We have had the thesaurus and word hippo out and exploration vocabulary to really improve our work. Children have agreed that they have written ‘What an even better one looks like’.

This week in Maths, children finished off the unit of place value and moved onto addition and subtraction. We looked at ways to make adding and subtracting easier. We partitioned numbers – recalling our prior knowledge- to help us find the answers. We looked at making jumps on a number line, which was different to the column method.

Children drew some fantastic bar charts in their Science this week. They used their research from the previous week, of the gestation periods, to make their bar chart. Children liked that they could show their research as a bar chart rather than just the usual table. We then also researched the life expectancy of different animals. They were shocked at how many years some animals live for, and how short some insects live for.

In our PSHE lessons we talked about rules and responsibilities. We talked about the rights we have in school and in the wider community. We discussed what we should do to keep our local community clean and safe. In our class and base assemblies, we carried on the topics of democracy and ambition. We discussed how we are all important and how we need each other for support. We linked this to a cart and how the small bolt keeps the very important wheel moving.

Our Art sessions consisted of children using a map to draw typography. We drew what we could see on the maps, using the road and streets. Children really enjoyed this as no one had the same ideas. Some include elephants and ghosts!

" I really enjoyed P.E. this week even though we got a little bit wet. We practised our hockey skills and even got into a match. I really like coming to school with my P.E. kit on and can't wait for next week".

"I like that as a base we get together to have an assembly. We have good discussions with each other and share our ideas".

Autumn 1 Week 3

During English this week, we have continued learning all about Space. The book we continue to look at is called When we walked on the Moon. Children wrote a setting description all about The Moon in which they used grammar that we learnt about this week to make their writing engaging and descriptive. We continued to focus on collected examples of grammar using an example descriptive text. This will help them when children write their own narrative next week.


In Maths, we have continued to work on place value in particular rounding and finding 10,000 more or less than a given number. Children continue to use various resources such as place value counters and place value charts to help with their learning. We continue to work on our times tables so children are confident and fluent when recalling these number facts ready for later parts of Maths. Children have been showing fantastic teamwork when working collaboratively and discussing their work during lessons using Mathematical vocabulary when working out answers.

As we continued Science looking at living things and their habitats, children have been continuing comparing life cycles of various animals including the differences and similarities between mammals and birds. Children have also learnt about gestation and researched various animals gestation period and seeing if they can link this to their weight.

During PSHE, children were being democratic and were given the chance to vote for the two children who they wanted to represent 5CG for the Values committee. The children were given voting slips and voted in secret. They then posted their votes into a box to give them a insight into real life voting. This was a great success, and children thoroughly enjoyed the experience.



Pupil Voice

On Monday Afternoon Junior Jam came into school. What I really enjoyed the most was the computing. We learned how to create a steady beat using iJam”


“My favourite part of the week was PE. I liked learning new skills and having a game with my friends.”


Autumn 1 Week 2

In English this week, we have started our new topic, all about space. The book the children have been looking at is called When we walked on the Moon. Children wrote predictions about what they thought the text was going to be about from a sound clip and images that they might find there. Children have been writing a descriptive poem all about the moon and have been writing a character reaction as if they were landing on the moon. The pieces of work have been fantastic, with children using everything they have learnt during grammar to make their writing descriptive and engaging.


In Maths, we have continued to work on place value, in particular comparing and ordering numbers. Children have been using various resources such as place value counters and number lines to help with their learning. At the start of each lesson, we continue to work on our timetables, so children are confident and fluent when recalling these number facts ready for later parts of Maths.


As we continued Science, we wrote an explanation about the life cycle of a bird and then compared a Blue Jay to a Bald Eagle. Children used key vocabulary and used research to help them understand this process.

During P.E, children started their indoor lessons with indoor athletics and practiced a number of skills including chest throw, how to throw a javelin and demonstrated excellent stamina when working as a team in various running activities. In their outdoor lessons, we started invasion games, particularly Hockey. Children learnt how to hold a hockey stick correctly and performed key skills including dribbling and passing in a range of activities.


In our assemblies, we have been thinking about what the children’s ambitions are for the future looking at role models who have struggled in earlier life and have managed to overcome barriers to be where they are including JK Rowling and Sir Lewis Hamilton. We have also been focusing on Democracy ready for an exciting opportunity for our children to become part of our new ‘Values Committee’


In our RE, we have begun to look at why the Bible is important to Christians. The children shared what their previous knowledge of the Bible was and any questions that they would like to answer about the Bible. We then began to look at the structure of the Bible which we will continue next week.


In PSHE our new topic is all about ‘Being Me In My World’. We have started this topic by looking at what targets and achievements we would like to set ourselves for this academic year. We have set both class and individual targets, that we will revisit and assess at the end of the school year.

We have begun our Geography topic of ‘The Environment’, by looking at what trade is. The children gave some fantastic answers of what they understood trade to be, before we explained this. We also talked about how not all countries are able to make or provide all their own products and services and that sometimes they have to import or export goods. We then focused this week on Brazil, researching some of the imports and exports of the country.


Pupil Voice

On Monday Afternoon Junior Jam came into school. What I really enjoyed the most was the music that we were taught. We used a program called ijam and was taught an introduction of how to play the keyboard. I can’t wait for Mondays”


“My favourite part of French was learning how to say ‘I like and I don’t like certain activities’ I also enjoyed Science when we looked at comparing a Blue Jay to a Bald Eagle and their life cycle. I enjoyed it because I learnt more about the birds.”


Autumn 1 Week 1

In English this week, we worked on a recount of a story. This involved writing a diary entry in first person and then further retelling the story. Children revisited their grammar skills and then made some fantastic sentences. Children retold the story and really enjoyed becoming the character and discussing his thoughts and feelings.

In Maths, we reintroduced place value. Children were able to recall their prior knowledge and use it to work on numbers that went into hundreds of thousands. We finished this week with a look at numbers that go beyond zero and into the decimal places up to thousandths. They used place value counters and place value arrows to figure out the value of each number.

We started our Science topic this term by looking at living things and their habitats. We had lengthy discussions about life cycles and then went into detail about a life cycle of a bird.

Each afternoon in base 5 we worked on our core values, this links to our PSHE. This involved looking deeply into British values and our new Meadowhead core values. We had a visitor that spoke to our base 5 children about respect and tolerance, within our school and wider community. In class we focused on values such as, teamwork, friendship, respect, kindness and ambition. Our class and base assemblies also covered racism and how we can overcome adversity.

Pupils voice

“It felt good to be back at school again after the summer holidays. I enjoy being in a routine and able to see my friends. The new rewards system is enjoyable. I love trying to outscore my friends after each day. It’s fun receiving dojos for different things.”

“Maths was my favourite part of the week. It took me a while to remember how to do certain things but when my teacher showed me, I quickly remembered and remembered why I love Maths so much. We have been looking at place value and using the place value counters has really helped me.”

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