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Welcome to Year 6 Class Page

Welcome to Year Six. Class 6L is taught by Mrs Lawton and supported by Mrs Bell and Miss Regan.  Class 6LV is taught by Mrs Livesey and supported by Miss Avery.

We have had a wonderful start to the school year and the children have had an amazing work ethic and followed our school values and rules perfectly. 

Remember to read the class blogs below and check out the newsletter for curriculum information and home learning tasks.

Should you need to contact us, we are available at home time or you can contact the office to make an appointment. 




Class 6LV - Our Learning - Blog

Autumn One Week 6

We have been given a very important task to complete during our English lessons. After being contacted by a very special WW2 tribute organiser, we have been tasked with writing a bravery speech about Rose Blanche. Using what we know about Rose, we have worked hard to form the first part of our speech using formal language and carefully choosing our vocabulary. We are very excited to complete our speeches and send them away to be read out by some very important people.

During maths this week, we have learnt how to multiply 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers using the formal written method. By using our knowledge of times tables, we have carefully multiplied the numbers together to find the answers to tricky questions.

In science we investigated the world of selective dog breeding. Having previously learnt about inherited characteristics, we thought about why certain dog breeds are bred together to create a certain type of offspring. We created a leaflet which explained what selective breeding was and why people chose this way of creating new offsprings.

On Thursday it was Mental Health Awareness Day. We thought about what mental health was and how we could be kind to or mind. We made posters to inform other people about what mental health is and what we can do if we are feeling emotions that we feel uncomfortable with. We listened carefully to each other and respected each other’s views about how what works for each of us.


English (Bravery speech)

I have enjoyed preparing to write the speech. I can’t wait for them to be sent to London!” - Taylan

Science (selective dog breeding)

We thought about new breeds of dogs we would like. We chose which characteristics we would like to inherit in our pets.” - Amelia

Art (2D to 3D creations)

I enjoyed creating the dog and making it 3D by making a stand.” – Carson



Autumn One Week 5

During English this week we have started to write a tribute speech about Rose Blanche. With a focus on formal language, the children have worked hard to use the passive voice to form the first part of their speech. They have been thinking carefully about all of the events that made Rose a hero during WW2 and how they can put it into words to ensure that everybody else knows. Our shared reading  lessons have been based around finding evidence from the text to support our inferences taken from the story Fireweed. 

Our maths lessons have been focussing on estimating the answer to addition and subtraction problems before using the most efficient method to find the answer. We have learnt different methods to solve problems, which include the use of number lines, formal written methods and compensating using our knowledge of numbers.

We have learnt about inherited characteristics during Science  this week. Through looking at Mr Men and Little Miss characters, we carefully thought about which characteristics the offspring would inherit from the parents.


After learning about biomes in geography, we focussed on two countries (Japan and Qatar) and compared them. Focussing on the climate, physical, human and other geographical features we compared the two countries we completed a table to show the differences and similarities. During art we continued to scale up the silhouettes of dogs and began to collage them using a piece of art taken from the Oliver Twist story. Through concentrating where the light would be on the dog, we gave the illusion that it was 3D.


‘It is really to play mini matches, and I enjoy building up my skills whilst playing with my friends.’ – Carson

Junior Jam

‘I like how kind they are to us and how they stay calm.” – Alex


‘I enjoyed using Mr Men and Little Miss in Science to show inherited characteristics from parents. We got to use our imagination when creating the offspring.’ – Elsy


‘We have to try our best in English whilst writing our speech about Rose Blanche. I hope they choose my speech to read at the remembrance tribute.’ – Taylan


‘The art has been really fun. I chose the different shades to make my dog look 3D.’ – Chloe

Autumn week 4

During English this week we have been writing a diary entry as if we are Rose Blanche in the story. We have had to think carefully about how Rose felt when she found the concentration camp and what she thought when she saw the people behind the intimidating fence. We have used dashes for parenthesis to add details to our writing and included inverted commas to use speech. We are working hard to improve our vocabulary using word banks and thesauruses. During our shared reading we have created black-out poetry using the poem Dulce et Decorum est. By carefully choosing the words which mean the opposite of ‘sweet and proper’ we blackout out the rest of the poem. We realised that the poem is talking about the opposite of the title.


Our maths lessons have had the focus of addition and subtraction. We have successfully used number lines to partition numbers in order to add them efficiently. This has helped us when mentally adding numbers together. We were then able to develop these skills further to add and subtract more complex numbers.

Charles Darwin was the focus of our science lesson this week. We conducted an investigation thinking carefully about how the finches from the Galapagos Islands evolved their beaks over time. We created different shaped beaks with equipment and used a range of items which replicated different food types. Using these, we were then able to talk about how some adaptations have been more successful than others and what would happen to the animals if adaptations weren’t successful.

We have continued our work researching about the different biomes in geography. We worked in teams to create a double-page spread about a biome of our choice. Thinking carefully about the climate, animals and plant-life, we created some beautiful non-chronological reports about a biome of our choice.

During art this week we have used a silhouette of a dog and scaled it up using squared paper. We had to think carefully about what would be drawn in each of the boxes and we had to sketch it to ensure it replicated the original image we focussed on.


English (Rose Blanche)

“I like writing the diary because I can open my imagination.”  Denzell

“I have enjoyed learning about ways to improve my writing. I can now use semi-colons, colons and dashes for parenthesis.” Elsy

Maths  (Rounding)

“I can now use bridging to add and subtract tricky numbers.” Chloe

Geography (Biomes)

“I have enjoyed learning about the different biomes from around the world.” Lewis

“I am really proud of the work I created in geography. I enjoyed researching facts about the Tundra,” Denzell

PE (Junior Jam)

The PE was really good because I love football and it helped me develop my passing skills,” Taylan




Autumn week 3

In our English lessons this week we continued to explore the text of Rose Blanche. We have read more of the story and have thought carefully about the events throughout her life as the main character. Using colons and semi-colons, we have written detailed lists linking to how the soldiers looked and what the town would look like after the war. By looking at the detailed illustrations in the story and role playing the scenes, we have thought about how Rose would have felt and what she might have thought during the events. We then used inverted commas to write down what Rose might have said during these events.

At the start of the week, our maths lessons have been recapping our learning skills and extending them to rounding numbers to the neared 10,000,000 and numbers with 3 decimal places. We then worked hard to multiply and divide numbers by a power of 10. We used place value grids to assist our learning and gain a deeper understanding about what happens to our numbers when we divide and multiply the numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.  

During Science, we have continued with our Inheritance and Evolution topic and we explored how polar bears, penguins and sharks have adapted to suit their environments over thousands of years. We safely used the internet to explore other facts about these animals and their habitats.  

We have been learning about biomes during our geography lesson this week. Firstly, we labelled a world map of the continents, seas and oceans, the equator and other geographical features. This then lead into learning about the biomes from around the world. We researched facts about each of the biomes and created paragraphs in preparation for next week’s learning to take place.

English (Rose Blanche)

“I really enjoyed the role play during English because it let us be creative and allowed us to pretend to be a different person.”  Merida

“The role play was really good because it puts a picture in your mind about what’s happened in the story.” Alex

Maths  (Rounding)

“I really liked learning about the rounding in maths. I can now round numbers with 3 decimal places!” Abdul

Shared reading (Anne Frank’s diary)

“I really really really like shared reading because we are learning about my favourite subject- World War 2.” Denzell

RE (Journeys)

“I enjoyed the RE lesson because we got to think about our journeys and hear other peoples’ journeys. It was really interesting.” Carson

Autumn week 2  

In our English lessons this week we have been exploring the text of Rose Blanche. Thinking carefully about how Rose feels during different events in the story, we wrote a diary entry. We ensured that our diary entry included Rose’s thoughts and feelings about the soldiers taking over her town in Germany and used thesauruses to improve our vocabulary to have greater impact on the reader. We have also written a contrast poem where we compared Rose to one of the German soldiers. Through using antonyms, we were able to write a poem of contrasting feelings and thoughts.  

Our Maths lessons have been based around place value. We have been learning how to read and compare numbers above one million. Using place value grids, we have been able to introduce decimal numbers and have been using the more than and less than symbols to compare these numbers.  


During Science, we started our Evolution and Inheritance topic where, children began to explore how animals have evolved throughout time in order to survive in their environment. We thought carefully about how camels have adapted to suit the very harsh,  hot environment of the desert.  


Through talking about anti-racism and how we can be anti-racist in our actions, we have created a piece of artwork. We used photographs of people from different races and created a collage to represent that we are all part of the human race. We had very mature discussions about racism and respected each other’s views and opinions.  


English (Rose Blanche)  

“I really enjoyed writing the poem because it allowed me to show my creativity. I liked writing it about the Rose Blanche story because the pictures helped me to have a clear image in my mind.”  

“My writing was improved because I was taught how to use semi-colons in a list. I used some amazing adjectives to describe the items in my sentence.”  

Science (Evolution and Inheritance)  

“The adaptation song about the camel helped me to understand how camels have adapted to suit their environment.”  

PE (multi-sports)  

“I enjoyed the PE because it was made fair for everyone.” 

Autumn One Week 1 

In our English and art this week, we have based our learning around the poetry book ‘The Lost Words’.  We studied several poems with a focus on vocabulary then chose one we would like to focus on. We developed our vocabulary linked to this ‘lost word’, using the laptops, drafted our own version of the poem and then worked hard to produce a final version for our base display. We can’t wait to share it with you on our showcase day in October! In the afternoons, we sketched our own artwork based around the spectacular artwork in the book. We added colour and definition to our artwork using the watercolour paints. 

In Maths, our learning has been based around addition and subtraction. We built on our previous learning during our time at MJS and completed some challenges to further develop our learning.  

In the afternoons, we have completed learning in PSHE with a focus on respect and anti-racism.  On Wednesday afternoon, we were visited by the Lancashire Prevent Team, for a workshop on respect and tolerance.  The children have discovered new vocabulary and learnt about showing respect both in school and our local community. 

Finally, to wrap up a wonderful first week, we went on a school trip to Canalside. The children had great fun and completed activities such as canoeing, bushcraft and fire lighting, archery, orienteering and team building games. The weather stayed sunny for us and the behaviour of the children was exemplary.  

The Lancashire Prevent Team (PSHE): 

“These are some of the most respectful children I have ever come across. Their behaviour is the best I have experienced in a school.” 

Maths (formal method of subtraction): 

"I now understand how to exchange when solving subtraction problems and how to properly set out the questions using place value. It really helped when Miss Avery gave me the number grid."  

Canalside visit: 

“I have never had a toasted marshmallow before, it was very yummy! One of my favourite parts was standing up in the canoe. I felt scared at first, but I’m glad I was brave.” 

Class 6L - Our Learning - Blog

Autumn One Week 6


Autumn One Week Six


We’ve shown our resilience this week in mathematics! We have been using the formal written method for multiplication to solve problems with numbers up to four digits, including decimal numbers. The children have worked so hard to master this mathematical concept and I couldn’t be more proud of them.

In English, we have planned our bravery speech about Rose Blanche, in preparation for writing it next week. We have used formal language to explain why Rose was a hero.  In guided reading, we have read extracts from ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ to make inferences about characters and settings.

Our inheritance in work science has focused on the different breeds of dogs and how selective breeding makes these dogs unique. The children made an informative leaflet about the different features of dog breeds and why they are beneficial.

In PSHE, we focused on World Mental Health Day. We made posters to inform other people about what mental health is and what we can do if we are feeling emotions that we feel uncomfortable with. We listened carefully to each other and respected each other’s views about how what works for each of us.



“It was great learning about why dogs look like they do!” Noemi


“Creating the poster really helped me to learn how to look after my mind” Darcy


“I found the maths really tricky at first but I stuck with it and now I get it!” Teigan

Autumn One Week 5

Our shared reading  lessons have been based around finding evidence from the text to support our inferences taken from the story Fireweed. The children have found evidence to support their impressions of characters and settings.  During English this week, we have started to write a bravery speech about Rose Blanche. They have been thinking carefully about all the events that made Rose a hero during WW2 and how they can put it into words to ensure that everybody else knows. We have also worked on identifying the subject, object and verbs in sentences.


Our maths lessons have been focussing on estimating the answer to addition and subtraction problems before using the most efficient method to find the answer. Our different methods include using jottings (such as number lines), mental methods and formal written methods.

In Science  this week, we have focused on genetics – in particular inherited and environmental features. Through looking at Mr Men and Little Miss characters, we carefully thought about which characteristics the offspring would inherit from the parents.

In RE, we have discovered the different journey’s that Christians take during pilgrimage. We created some wonderful double page spreads. We also chose a person from the Bible and researched their journey through life. The children showed some excellent prior knowledge and we able to apply this to their work.

After learning about biomes in geography, we focussed on two countries (Japan and Qatar) and compared them. Focussing on the climate, physical, human and other geographical features we compared the two countries we completed a table to show the differences and similarities.


RE (journeys)

“I liked how we discovered different stories about people in the Bible.” Aurora

English (bravery speech)

“I liked using formal language and practising saying it, too!” George

Science (Inheritance)

“Creating ‘baby’ Mr Men was fun because I could select their features.” Oscar

Autumn One Week 4


It’s been all go this week in 6L!

In maths this week, we have started a new topic of addition and subtraction. The children used mental methods to calculate complex addition and subtraction questions. We discuss our prior learning before using a range of jottings to help us solve these problems.

In our English lessons this week we continued to explore the text of Rose Blanche. As we are now into our writing phase, we used role play to develop our ideas, the children developed a plan for their own diary entry, written as Rose. We have now started to write our paragraphs, including all the vocabulary and grammatical skills we have acquired over the last few weeks. Mr Dugdale visited one of our lessons and was very impressed with the standard of the children’s writing.

In art, we scaled up our sketches for a second time, to create a life like portrait of our chosen dog. We then collaged our sketches using our typography skills. Check out the pictures to see us working hard!

 In science, we have continued learning about how animals are adapted to their environment. We investigated how birds’ beaks have adapted to suit the food they eat and participated in an experiment to aid our learning.  We have continued learning about biomes during our geography lesson this week. We researched one of the biomes we studied last week and then created a ‘double page’ non-chronological report.  In PE, we have continued to develop our skills in athletics and really enjoyed a football multi-skills session with Junior Jam.


English (Rose Blanche)

“My writing has improved because I am using some really tricky vocabulary.”  Aurora


Geography (biomes)

“I really enjoyed writing my non-chronological report because I got to combine writing and art!” Delilah

Art  (collage)

“Art is my favourite subject so when I got to help others and show my work, I felt really proud of myself.” Caelan




Autumn One Week 3


Our maths lessons this week have continued with the place value theme. We have been practised rounding numbers to the neared 10,000,000 and extended this by rounding numbers with up to 3 decimal places.  We have then used place value charts and practical equipment to consolidate our learning when multiplying and dividing by ten, one hundred and one thousand.

In our English lessons this week we continued to explore the text of Rose Blanche. We thoroughly enjoyed reading the rest of the story, discovering what happened to our main character.  We have then analysed an example text, looking at how the grammar and sentence structure have enhanced the piece for the reader.  Using these feaures, we then developed our own diary entry about the key points in the story.

In art, we applied our mathematical knowledge to scale up sketches of dogs, ready to develop our typography skills. In science, we have continued learning about how animals are adapted to their environment. The children decided which animal they would like to learn about, then presented their findings about how they have adapted to survive in their environments.  We have been learning about biomes during our geography lesson this week. Firstly, we labelled a world map of the continents, seas and oceans, the equator and other geographical features.  We researched facts about each of the biomes and created paragraphs in preparation for next week’s learning to take place.  Life as a journey has been our focus in RE. The children mapped out their life journey so far and then discussed other journeys people may take. In PE, we have continued to develop our skills in athletics.


English (Rose Blanche)

“I enjoyed learning about what happened in the story. I felt proud of Rose for helping the starving people.”  Milita


Maths  (Rounding)

“Rounding is something I’ve always found tricky but now I can do it. I didn’t give up!” Finlay

Art  (Scaling up sketches)

“Scaling up my dog sketch was fun. It’s one of the best pieces of art I’ve ever done.” Kaitlin




Autumn One Week 2 

In our English this week, our learning has been based around the book ‘Rose Blanche’. We have analysed new vocabulary, made inferences about what we have read and then written a descriptive setting, using accurate punctuation, antonyms and formal and informal language.  Our guided reading has also been linked to WWII as we have been studying a non-fiction text and analysing its features.  


In Maths, we have been developing our knowledge and understanding of place value. We have worked with numbers with three decimal places and compared and ordered numbers with millions using inequality signs.  


In the afternoons, we have completed learning based around our school values with a focus on respect and anti-racism and created collages.  In our science work, we have started looking at how animals have adapted to their environment, with a focus on the camel!  We started our art topic by researching the artist Lubaina Himid. Junior Jam joined us on Monday afternoon and we had fun learning how to play the keyboard, participating in multi-sports and  using iJam in computing.  On Wednesday, Mr Little from Darwen Vale visited year six to talk to them about the opportunities available at Darwen Vale. The children were very grown up and asked some sensible questions.  


Behaviour, effort and work ethic have been amazing and Miss Regan, Mrs Bell and I are very proud of our class.  

Mr Little (DVHS): 

“Your behaviour has been impeccable and you have shown what a fantastic year group you are .” 

Maths (Place value): 

"I feel so much more confident when comparing decimal and fraction place value " – Teigan  

English (Rose Blanche): 

“The book is really interesting and I’m really enjoying it” - Darcy. 

“World War II is really interesting and I love our guided reading book” - George. 


Autumn One Week 1 

In our English this week, we have studied the poetry book ‘The Lost Words’. We analysed several poems with a focus on vocabulary then chose our favourite one. We then researched vocabulary linked to this ‘lost word’, drafted our own version of the poem and then practised our handwriting skills when copying up our neat version for display. We can’t wait to share it with you on our showcase day in October! 

Linked to this topic, we also sketched our own artwork, taking inspiration from the magnificent artwork in the book. We then used watercolour paints to add detail to our sketches. 

In Maths, we have focused on consolidating some of our previous knowledge on addition and subtraction. Many of the children then challenged themselves to complete some tricky problem solving linked to our learning over the week. 

In the afternoons, we have completed learning based around our school values with a focus on respect and anti-racism.  We have learnt some key terminology, held discussions (showing wonderful maturity) and completed some roleplay scenarios. On Wednesday afternoon, we were visited by the Lancashire Prevent Team, for a workshop on respect and tolerance.  

Finally, to wrap up a wonderful first week, we went on a school trip to Canalside. The children had great fun and completed activities such as canoeing, bushcraft and fire lighting, archery, orienteering and team building games. The weather stayed sunny for us and the behaviour of the children was exemplary.  

A fantastic first week in 6L! 

The Lancashire Prevent Team (PSHE): 

“These are some of the most respectful children I have ever come across. Their behaviour is the best I have experienced in a school.” 

Maths (addition and subtraction): 

"I’m really glad we did this work again because I used to find subtraction tricky.  I listened hard and with a bit of help from Miss Regan, I feel more confident now."  

Canalside visit: 

“My favourite part was the lighting fires. I have never done that before and jumped when I created a spark! It was really good fun and I got marshmallows by the fire.” 


Accelerated Reader 

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