Welcome to Year 5 Class Page
Welcome back to the new academic year... Where did those summer holidays go? I really do hope you had a great break and that you are raring to go through year 5. This year, in Year 5, we have Mr Alli and Ms Gill as the teachers. Class support is Miss Horman in 5A and Mrs Wilkinson in 5G. We cannot wait to get going and make sure that all children make progress.
Should you need to speak with Mr Alli or Ms Gill, please do not hesitate to contact school and arrange a convenient time to see us.
Class 5A - Our Learning - blog
Spring 2 Week 1
Children have had a wonderful start after the short holidays.
In English this week, children were introduced to a new book called ‘The Promise’ by Nicola Davies. The first session was writing out a prediction based on clues that were slowly given to the children. We then looked at the front cover and discussed what we thought the book would be about. We read the book, so we had a better understanding and compared that to our predictions. We then moved onto looking at a character's narrative and what key vocabulary had been used. We found the definition of those words and wrote them out into our own sentences.
We began this week completing our work on angles. We used a protractor to find angles up to 180o and then moved onto drawing our own. We also looked at how we could work out angles over 180o and how it would be drawn. We then began a new topic, which was fractions. We looked at what is a fraction and how it is written. We then moved onto how we could convert improper fractions into mixed numbers and vice versa.
In science, children begin a new topic called Materials and their properties. In this session we first found out what children knew from previous years. We had a discussion around solids, liquids and gases and how they play a part in our lives. We then moved onto identifying materials and placing them onto a table. We looked at glass and rubber in more detail and what we could spot around the classroom. Children then filled in a table identifying the properties of the material and then moved onto finding materials in the classroom to add to it.
In D.T. this term, children will be working on designing a sustainable, reusable bag. We will look at how stitching and the correct stitch is important for the integrity of the bag in future lessons. We also evaluated some products of our own. We looked at the size, shape, price and function of the bag and compared them to each other.
In Junior Jam this week, the children began with French. They practised heads, shoulders, knees and toes and then moved onto learning fruits. Football is their focus in P.E. and this week they practised dribbling and passing skills. In music, children looked at opera singing and what tone was suitable for it.
We practised our oracy skills this week in a PSHE lesson around anti-racism. We first looked at the importance of speaking and listening and how both could not be done at the same time. We then did some roleplay based around a menu. Children worked with a partner, one being a customer and the other being a waiter. They role-played the scenario and then swapped around. Pictures were taken so we could discuss what is needed when speaking to each other. Eye-contact, hand gestures and taking turns are what we talked about and then when we re-did the roleplay. We then had a discussion around whether all people were special and what makes them special. We took turns agreeing and disagreeing with that statement.
In P.E. we played a couple of games that helped to develop our throwing and catching techniques. Our warm-up started with an invasion game where children had to try and escape out of an area without being caught. For the main part of the session, children moved around the hall with a bib or ball and practised their skills to try and find a partner. We also worked on our bowling skills with accuracy.
"I really enjoyed P.E. today. We played lots of different games. To start P.E. with a game was fun!".
"I'm glad to be back after the holidays, so I can see my friends and play with them at playtime".
"I love singing and can't wait to do more on Monday with Junior Jam."
Spring 1 Week 6
In English this week we wrote out our formal report that was based on ‘The Hounds of Baskerville’. We became the character Dr. Watson and reported back to Sherlock. Children use their knowledge, formal language and vocabulary they have learnt and add it to their report. Children worked extremely well all week, improving and perfecting their paragraphs daily. Children then read each other’s and completed 2 stars and a wish, noting down two points they liked and somewhere they could improve.
In Maths, children worked on co-ordinates and shapes. We began the week by looking at reflecting shapes. We first found the mirror line and worked out equal distances between them. We then moved onto co-ordinates from a graph. We first revisited learning from year 4, looking at the axis and understanding what they mean. To assist us in reflecting and plotting co-ordinates, we described the shape which helped us in reflecting, plotting and drawing. We then finished the week off by translating shapes. We wrote down steps to success which supported us working on translating the shape.
In Science, this week we revisited a lesson that was done at the beginning of the topic. That session was to check what they knew before any learning had taken place. This week’s lesson was the same lesson, except they had all the learning already done. Children then wrote out sentences as to how their answer had changed.
In geography, we finished our topic by learning about biomes. We learnt how the world is split into sections based on its climate and weather. We learnt new vocabulary to go with this and added it to our knowledge organiser. Children then had the opportunity to research an interesting fact about a biome from the Americas and then share it with the class. We then accurately coloured in the biomes and placed a key on it.
This week was our last week with Coach Catherine. Children in this lesson spend some time building on their building skills. They worked together to try and complete a task as a team. They then moved onto a race which they were fantastic at. They had an opportunity to go on the ropes again and attempted to first get across, then hold on for as long as possible and then ended with trying to traverse.
In art, we completed our landscape of the area of Blackburn that we could see out onto the playground. Children included the playground and the surrounding houses that were in view. We worked using HB pencil and a graphite pencil to ensure we used the skills that we learnt during this topic. We talked about the vocabulary that was mentioned throughout the term and talked about it in our class discussions.
On the last day of term, we had our behaviour treat. Children this term had the opportunity to play with Lego. They worked in pairs to try and make the tallest freestanding tower. We had to make sure we had a strong base to make sure it did not fall over. We spent some time talking about how this behaviour treat was a reward for all the wonderful work and behaviour that they were showing. We also talked about what the consequences would be if these were not shown. We want to continue the great work in the next term.
Our reading challenge in class is still continuing as we are having a class push on our reading. Please could you remind children to read 20 minutes at home daily. The libraries are open during the half-term where books will be accessible for children. Please note that our P.E. days will now be Monday and Friday next term. Children can come in P.E. kits as long as they follow the uniform policy.
"I really enjoyed maths this week. I remember doing co-ordinates in Year 4 and this time it was a bit more difficult. On Friday we also had some fun with plotting co-ordinates."
"I look forward to the behaviour treat. I wish they'd tell us when it happened sooner!"
"I really enjoy writing and learning new vocabulary. It's nice that we can then go back through our books and try and add that new vocabulary to our work".
Spring 1 Week 5
In English this week we have looked at WAGOLL in more detail. Children were able to identify formal language, vocabulary, relative clauses, questions and first person. We also planned out our own report that we would be writing for ‘Sherlock’. The grammar skills that have been taught at the beginning of every lesson can be seen in all children’s work.
What a wonderful week we have had in maths. This week, children worked on dividing and multiplying numbers by 100 and 1000. They then moved onto converting units of measure between metres and kilometres. This was an opportunity for children to use their knowledge learnt over the week to help tackle problems. By the end of the week, all the children were moving onto the challenge. Children showed resilience and determination to make sure they completed all their work. We ended the week looking at reflection. Children first identified and described the shape and then reflected the shape using a mirror line.
In Geography this week, children used a website called ‘time and date’ to see what the time was in different locations around the world. They then compared these times to our time in the UK. We looked at which locations were ahead in time and which locations were behind.
In science this week we focused on the moon. Children first researched the relationship the moon has to Earth, and then both to the sun. They discussed and wrote about the orbits of the moon and planets. They then moved onto the phases of the moon. We learnt new vocabulary like waning and waxing. Children have been told to keep an eye out for the sky at night as there is currently a parade of the planets.
In PSHE this week we focused on children's mental health. We talked about what it means to be unique and accept others for who they are. We then did a task noting down everything about ourselves. We shared this with the class and were very respectful of everyone’s opinions.
In art, we continued looking at landscapes. We used the lesson to look at a landscape out in the fields. We took a picture and halved it. We then put all our focus onto that half of the picture to try and draw the landscape in detail. Next week, children will look at the landscape of Blackburn.
In Junior Jam, children began with basketball. They learnt the skill of keeping the ball and a variety of passes that would be suitable with a basketball. In music, they focused on rhythm whilst using the drums and cow bells. In I.T we went onto excel and made formulas for multiplication questions.
On Friday we also took part in NSPCC number day. We spent an hour today in class trying to get Meadowhead Junior School up the leaderboard on TT Rockstars.
"I really enjoy doing gymnastics with the coach. This week we had to practise on different obstacles, and we got to move around. We had a competition again, and I'm going to try extra hard next week to try and beat the other class".
"I loved doing reflection, it's different to just doing numbers. I like work that is challenging, and I need to think".
"I never knew that there was a different time for different locations. We compared what the time would be for Blackburn, and it was really fascinating".
Spring 1 Week 4
In English this week we began looking at our next writing outcome, which is a formal report. We looked at WAGOLL and found words that we didn’t quite understand. We then used a dictionary and laptops to find out the meaning of the word. Children will use these words in their own formal report. We also discussed what formal words are and how they are used. We then looked at another extract from the story and focused on the key events and played out some roleplay.
In maths, we continued looking at division facts, which would help us in learning our timetable. We then moved onto finding prime numbers and ticking them off on a 100 square, working them out by using counters for an array. We finished the week off looking at multiplying 2 x 1 digits and then eventually finished off on 3 x 2 digits. We looked at the grid method by first partitioning numbers and then using the clues of multiplication to help us breakdown and work out the answer to the problem.
In science, we researched key facts about the planets in our solar system. We looked at comparing the sizes, moons and atmosphere of each planet. We discussed the orbit of the planet around the sun and the duration of it. We then move onto looking at how shadows are created. We investigated in class where we used torches to make shadows. We looked at how moving the light round and moving it closer and further altered the shadows' length or focus.
In geography, children continue to work towards answering their enquiry question, which is ‘What is the best way to identify the Americas?’. Children this week focused on finding the physical features of the Americas. They used teamwork and discussion to help them find features that they could add to their work.
In P.E., the children continued working on their performance with Coach Catherine. Children focused on balance this week, by using their partner to help them keep a pose. They ended the session where they were in competition with 5G. This week 5A won, so we hope to keep this up till the end of the term.
In art, this week we used different papers to help create different media. The focus of the week's session was to encourage children to make sketchbooks of their own. In this we share how you can personalise a sketchbook by adding elements. In addition, the elements you add, in the form of “spaces and places,” will help change the way we use our sketchbook and help to develop sketchbook techniques.
"I really enjoyed Junior Jam this week. We get to play basketball and practise a lot of my skills".
"My reading is improving so much. I really like to read with Miss Horman and do some quizzes and pass".
"I like that art is something we get to experiment with. It's what we see and how we look at things. Its different to just drawing or colouring".
Spring 1 Week 3
This week in English we have begun writing out our cliffhanger narrative. We are basing our narrative off the chapter of Watson chasing the stranger from the Hounds of Baskerville. We first began repeating our discussion on ‘what is a cliffhanger?’. Children come up with some wonderful examples of cliffhangers from shows they have watched or stories they have read. We looked over the vocabulary we learnt last week and looked at ways to introduce it into our narrative. We also looked at historical words we could use as our narrative was set in the past.
In maths this week we have been focusing on mental calculations, adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers and working out missing numbers. Children have worked wonderful this week and have shown that they are learning ways to work mentally. Children use many metal uses, such as rounding and imagining numbers or a number line.
In science, this week children have worked on finding facts about the 8 planets in our solar system. Children used knowledge from last week and the use of a working wall to add facts to their work. We then ended the week looking at questions about the solar system and using laptops to help us answer the questions.
On Thursday, children are given the opportunity to learn gymnastics from Coach Catherine. It is wonderful to see children enthusiastic and willing to give everything a go. Children this week learnt a sequence with a partner. They focused on two types of jumps; tuck jump and jumping full turn. They also introduced forward roll, teddy bear roll, log and shoulder roll. They worked on timing and eye contact to perform their wonderful sequence. The coach will be setting up challenges between the two classes every week. 5G had won the first week.
In our PSHE lesson we looked at the average salary for jobs and careers. We attempted to match up the correct salary for the job. Children then spent some time researching what the salary was currently and looked at different jobs in different sectors and then shared it with the class. We then discussed whether any dreams had changed based on what they had researched.
Our Junior Jam session on Monday began with P.E. In this session, children learnt how to dribble and travel with a basketball. In music, on iPads, children learn how to perform a rap. They ended the session with computing, where children used numbers to create pictures.
In our art session, we spent the first lesson looking at the artist Vanessa Gardiner. Children first watched a video about what art she had produced and what had inspired her. We then had laptops out to gather additional information about her.
In geography, we continued focusing on the Americas. Each lesson we are working towards answering our enquiry question of ‘What is the best way to locate the Americas?’. Last week, children located the Americas with an atlas, globe and DigiMaps. In this week's session we focused on finding human features for North, Central and South America. Children first learn what a human feature is and if they know of any in Blackburn. They then researched and discussed the examples that they had found.
"I really enjoy maths. I don't usually because I find my timetables difficult. This week we found techniques for how to find clues for numbers that are divisible by 2,3,4,5,6,8 and 9. This would make understanding my timetables a lot easier".
"I like researching about planets and the solar system. We also organised the planets in order and learnt a rhyme to go with it. I love being tested on the order. Mr Alli does it for us every lesson."
Spring 1 Week 2
In English this week, we worked on our cliffhanger based on the book ‘The Hounds of Baskerville’. We discussed and looked closely at the character Watson. We talked and worked on his thoughts and feelings throughout the thriller. We then looked at WAGOLL and looked at the language and structure features. We then wrote out our own cliffhanger paragraph, acting like Watson chasing the stranger down. Children used their grammar skills to add parenthesis to their sentences. We then also watched the 1939 version of the movie, focusing on that particular scene to pick out key events.
In Maths, we looked at negative numbers and how they are used in everyday life. We discussed the importance of using the negative sign before the number and learnt the further the number goes away from zero in negatives, the number becomes smaller. We then looked at rounding numbers to work out an estimate before using a number line to work out the question.
In Science this week we continued our topic of Earth and Space. This week we looked at the order of the planets and learnt a rhyme to go with it. We went into the hall and organised ourselves into the correct order and shared some of the facts we learnt in class. We also looked at our enquiry question of ‘Why does it go dark during an eclipse?’. Children were able to answer the question based on any prior knowledge.
In Geography, we began a new topic of looking at The Americas. We looked at the continent on a world map, trying to identify it. We then focused on South America and using atlases, Digi maps and the classroom map to try and identify countries in South America. There was also a challenge to try and find the capital cities of all countries and the population of some.
Our P.E. session continued with Coach Catherine, who taught the children sequences to follow. Children worked on creating shapes with their bodies in partners. They began in a basic stance and worked on different movements like straddle, pike, back support, tuck and bent leg dish. They also worked on some stretch jumps, focusing on communication to make their performance uniform. Children then moved onto the ropes where they had a competition as to who could first get to the top and then who could hold on the longest. It was a fun activity which all the children enjoyed.
In this term we are having a big push on reading. We have started a classroom competition for children to try and get round. Children are enthusiastic about it and now can’t wait to read. Please encourage children to read at home daily.
"I love learning about all the planets in our solar system! I can't wait to learn some very intresting facts and share them at home".
"Gymnastics is so much fun. It's the first time I've been on the ropes and can't wait to go on them again. The coach is so good and makes gymnastics fun!".
"I love this new competition for reading. I want to get to the finish line very quick, so I'm going to make sure I continue to read.".
Spring 1 Week 1
What a wonderful start we have had to the new term.
Children began the week writing their prediction for the book ‘Hounds of Baskerville’ by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for their English topic. Clues were revealed before the front cover of the book was revealed for children to try and work out what the book could be about. We also looked at extracts from the text and worked on the skill of summarising texts. Children also looked at key vocabulary from the book and found definitions for them
In Maths, we begin by revisiting place values. Children were able to use their prior knowledge to help them understand the numbers. We looked at numbers with 3 decimal places and found the worth of each digit. We then compared and organised each of the numbers.
In Science this week, we began our new topic of Earth and Space. We first discussed our enquiry question, which was ‘Why does it go dark during an eclipse?’. Children then used statements and organised them into true and false. This will then give children the opportunity to revisit this at the end of the topic to see if they will change their statements based on all the learning that they have done.
For our PSHE and R.E. topic this week we have been looking at religions from around the world. Children focused on the 6 major religions and researched key facts about them. The religions were Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Sikhism and Hinduism. We found that ‘World religion day’ is celebrated on the third Sunday of January every year and will fall this year on the 19th of January.
In P.E. this term, children on a Thursday are taught gymnastics from an instructor. Children learnt shackle, teddy bear hug, pike and tuck in this lesson. All the children took part and really enjoyed the session.
Please can we remind all children to complete their accelerated reading daily and homework weekly. Children are expected to read for 20 minutes daily. We have begun a competition in 5A around reading, so we want all children to take part in this.
"I've really enjoyed coming back to school, I'm really interested in the Hounds of Baskerville. It sounds quite scary".
"I really liked being taught gymnastics by an instructor, she really made it fun".
"I can't wait to learn more about Earth and Space, I've got loads of information in my head already".
Autumn 2 Week 8
We ended our last week in Autumn 2 by writing out our biography about Henry Box Brown. We went over features and structures of a biography and children found key vocabulary that they added into their own.
We finished working on ‘Time’ for this week. Children used their prior knowledge to identify time on a digital and analogue clock. Children consolidated by playing games and testing each other on time.
We enjoyed our Christmas performance on Wednesday evening. We would like to thank all children and parents who attended. It was a great success!
On Thursday we had our behaviour treat which they children thoroughly enjoyed. The theme was ‘Nerf Battle’. They showed good teamwork and had a wonderful time. Children were also given extra time if they had good attendance over the whole term. Some children also missed out on some time due to gaining a reflection sheet throughout the term.
On Friday we had a base Christmas party in the hall. Children enjoyed playing games, colouring and watching a movie. We also did quizzes, sang and dance to some Christmas songs.
Autumn 2 Week 7
We began this week by completing our English assessments for the Autumn term. Children worked hard and showed resilience to complete their assessments. We continued looking at ‘Henry’s Freedom Box’ in our English topic. Our next outcome was a biography. Children searched for facts about Henry and shared these with the class. We also looked at features of another biography and took away some ideas to use in our biography.
Along with English, we have also been completing assessments in Maths. Children first start with an arithmetic paper and then a reasoning paper. We moved onto time this week, where children have been using their previous knowledge to read and understand time. We also worked on looking at timetables for shows and class timetables.
In science this week, children have been investigating friction. We discussed how friction works and how it affects/benefits us. Children first made a prediction on which material would have the most/the least friction. We then conducted our investigation and wrote down our findings.
This week has been filled with many events. Children on Wednesday were invited to stay and read, the hall was packed with children and parents listening to Santa read. On Wednesday was our Christmas jumper and meal day. Children came dressed in their jumpers and took part in the meal. The meal included crackers and the children had a wonderful time.
In our PSHE lesson we continued looking at cultures. We first discussed what makes our culture and then searched for cultures from other countries. We searched for the population, clothes, money, school and a lot more. We also looked at how money is spent in different countries. We looked at how much bread was in the UK compared to Zimbabwe.
“I’m really enjoying getting to know more about Henry Box Brown. I think he is an inspiration for us all”.
“I loved our Christmas day, we even got to have a competition for a coloured Christmas jumper day”.
"In our class assembly, we looked at what makes an unlikely friend. We also discussed respect and teamwork".
Autumn 2 Week 6
We have had a busy week in English this week planning and writing out our diary entry. We have continued focusing on ‘Henry’s Freedom Box’ and describing his thoughts and feelings. In the children’s diary entry, it is based on Henry feeling slavery in a brown wooden box over in Philadelphia. They have written the travel days in chronological order and the following success criteria. They included grammar which we have been practising the past couple of weeks.
We have continued working on multiplication this week and cementing knowledge of it. We have started looking at areas for rectilinear shapes. As we are also in an assessment week, we have been going over our previous knowledge and fixing any misunderstandings.
Our science lessons included an experiment again. Children, this time, were investigating different objects by buoyancy. We first made a prediction of whether the object floated or sinks and then tested it. We tested coke, diet coke, Fanta, baby food, tomato tin, a packet of crisp, orange, apple and an egg.
Along with maths, we have also completed our reading and grammar assessments. Children have worked extremely well on this and are showing progression in their learning.
We have begun doing our performances for the Sing-along on the 18th of December at 5.30pm. Children in class are learning a poem that we will perform and then also three songs which we will sing for the rest of year 5 and year 6.
“I loved going to the panto with school! I enjoy it every year and can’t wait for the next one”.
“I enjoy learning more about the cotton trade and how it used to be in Blackburn.”
Autumn 2 Week 5
In English this week we focused on the thoughts and feelings that the character in ‘Henry Freedom Box’ would be having. We discussed the importance of the underground railroad and how it made some lives better. We also took part in some hot seating where children became Henry. We freeze-framed at different stages of the story and children were able to answer questions based on Henry’s feelings.
In Maths, we have had a big focus on multiplying. We worked through different strategies and the children were able to find which worked best. We worked on multiplying 3 digits by 1 and then moving onto 4 digits by 1. Children drew on previous knowledge of place values and partitioning to help better understand the number. They worked using their times table knowledge and then completed some questions by adding them. Children also enjoyed looking at SAT’s style questions and were able to show all their working out.
In Science, we continued working on forces. This week’s focus was on gravity. We worked on how gravity works differently for different objects. Children used a force meter to measure objects in the classroom. We first discussed how 1kg is equal to 1 Newton, and then moved onto discussing how a force meter works. Children first wrote a prediction and then worked out its actual measurement.
In R.E. we have been continuing our topic of the Christmas story in the Bible. This week, the differences in the telling of the story of Christmas in two Gospels, Matthew and Luke. We have also looked at why Christians use items to symbolise Christmas and why they are important in the celebration of Christmas. We looked at advent wreaths, the nativity scenes, stars, candles and angels.
In P.E. we connected some of our previous poses and stances from the last three. We planned out and practised these moves in our pairs, before performing them for the class. Next week we will be doing this to music.
“I really enjoyed science this week. I like that we get to plan and do our experiments and its not all writing”.
“I’m looking forward to doing my performance for gymnastics to music. It’s fun and we get to work with our friends”.
Autumn 2 Week 4
This week in English we have started a new unit of writing. We will focus on the book 'Henry's Freedom box' and work towards writing out our own diary entry. We began the week by looking at some reveals from the book and then writing out a prediction on this. We then read the book and children were stunned by the way black people were treated in the 1800s. We talked about why slavery should never have existed and should never exist today. Children also focused on characters' thoughts and feelings, and discussed how a child growing up in the 1800s would have lived.
In Maths, we focused on looking at fractions this week. We first began working through prior learning in year 4 at what a fraction is. We looked at simplifying and finding equivalent fractions. We then looked at converting fractions into decimals. Children have worked extremely well this week on tackling some difficult questions.
In Science, we continued our work on the forces. This week's focus was on gravity. We first had a discussion about gravity and how it works on our planet. We then moved onto discussing gravity on the moon and other planets.
In R.E. we continued looking at the Christmas story. Children first watched a video about the Christmas story. We discussed the importance of Jesus in Christianity and how we can all look to him for inspiration and values.
In P.E. we could only manage an indoor session this week due to the weather. Children worked with partners to create a performance with different tension-balanced steps. Children then performed this for the class and children were able to identify positives and give suggestions for improvements. Children focused on communication and perfection throughout their performance.
In History this week we continued learning about the local cotton industry. Children focused on the working conditions and living conditions during the cotton era. We looked at how cotton was transported throughout Britain and how it was transported abroad.
This week's Junior Jam session began with music. Children created music using different instruments to create the song 'Stand by me'. Children then moved onto computing where they worked on debugging a virus from a programme. They finished the session with French, where they continued learning body parts in French.
"I really enjoyed DT this week, we looked at what goes into different packets. I'm going to make sure that I check the nutrients in everything I eat."
"I really enjoyed English this week. I liked that it is based on a true story, but I don't like what Henry had to go through. I wish that slavery never existed!"
"We worked on completing a racism ribbon in PSHE. This was to raise awareness for others. I hate that racism exists and people have to put up with it. It's just not OK."
Autumn 2 Week 3
What a wonderful week children have had writing out their description of the setting. Children have used language features and descriptive writing to help their work come alive this week in English. They built on their plans which they worked on with a partner, to then go on to creating their fantastic writing. Children are also supported by looking through each other’s work. This shows that they understand what they are looking for.
In maths, we worked on looking at the division method. Mr Dugdale was very impressed with how well children were able to explain how to use the chunking method. Children also worked by looking at a multiplication triangle, a partitioning method, a place value grid and then, finally, by a chunking method. Children choose the appropriate method to tackle their problem.
In science, this week children have been planning their own parachutes. Children chose their own variables to change and had a discussion on this. Children changed lengths of string to different materials. We chose from tissue paper, plastic bag, paper and foil. We then conducted our experiment, letting go of the parachutes by 2metres, which made sure our experiment was a fair test.
In our DT sessions we looked at how we could make a recipe for a stir-fry. We first began looking at a Bolognese recipe and highlighting what we thought was most important. We then looked at healthier alternatives with better nutritional values. We then searched for some stir-fry recipes and worked with a partner to work through the recipe for a stir-fry. Again, we looked at healthier alternatives.
In P.S.H.E we have been focusing on Odd Sock Day for Anti-Bullying week and how we are all unique. We looked at this through thinking about the many ways we can be different from each other. Together we then created a 5A pledge of how we can show respect to the people in our class, school and further afield.
In our P.E. sessions we again worked on our gymnastic skills. We worked with a partner to create a tension balance. This meant using a partner to create a stance in which we would not be able to do by ourselves. In football, we practised our dribbling skills and again worked on our passing skills.
In our Junior Jam session, we started with computing and looked at debugging. We then moved onto music. We worked in groups to do a whole class performance. Children worked in unison to create a wonderful performance. In French, we learnt our body parts in French, we played some games and ‘Simon Says’ was one of the best games.
“I’m confident at doing the chunking method for division. I like that we must use different methods to solve the problem.”
“Science was fun; I really like writing but doing practical’s is even more fun. I hope we get to do more”.
“I love gymnastics, I like that I get to work with a partner and show everyone in the class my performance”.
Autumn 2 Week 2
In this week's English we have been focusing on learning the knowledge required to write out our setting description for the learning outcome. Children have become experts at identifying metaphors and writing out sentences with personification. We have continued focusing on modal verbs and parenthesis in our grammar lessons, which children will use in their writing. We finished the week with some hot seating-children would become one of the characters and answer questions from the other children.
In our Maths sessions we looked at multiplication and division. We learnt how we can use a fact box to answer questions that we were not familiar with. We found what relationship numbers had, and how they work together to help us get an answer. We have continued working on our timetables, twice daily, to help boost our memorisation of our timetable. It is important children learn and know all their timetable facts till the twelve times table.
In our science session, children made paper helicopters. This was to do with looking at what forces act upon the helicopter when it is let go. We focused on air resistance and talked about how aeroplanes work and fly. We also discussed streamline and why fast cars are built the way they are.
In history, children have been researching about what the conditions were like for people of all ages that worked in the Lancashire cotton mill industry. They were astonished to learn that children as young as 8 were placed in the mills to work. They also found that adults were only paid 15 shillings a day (which equates to around 75p).
Children really enjoyed the two P.E. sessions that took place this week. In our first session, we focused on gymnastics. Children’s performance was based on using their partner for counterbalance. They were able to perform holds that could not have been done solo. In our other P.E. session, we looked at perfecting our passing skills in football. Children also worked on their reaction skills and discussed why it was important to work as a team in an invasion game.
In our DT session, we tasted three different Bolognese sauces. Children then wrote down what ingredients they thought was in the recipe and the viscosity of it. They also ranked them based on taste and shared their findings with others.
We were very fortunate to have Blackburn Rovers with us this week delivering a session on Racism. Children learnt the meanings of the words and discussed why they thought racism still existed in the world. They looked at pictures of people and formed judgements on them. They were also told about the punishments that take place at football grounds for fans that are caught being racist. Children then ended the session by writing out a pledge of how they will help society to be respectful of one another.
We began our Junior Jam session this week with Computing. Children looked at the 2D bug program and worked on fixing errors and viruses. In music, children worked on creating a beat with their hands by clapping. They ended their session by working on the body parts in French and playing a game to help them remember the parts.
"I really enjoyed English this week because of the writing we produced. I really like we did hot-seating. Luckily I didn't get any difficult questions."
"I really enjoyed tasting different Bolognese recipes and writing their descriptions. I really liked the second one we tasted. It was quite sweet but tangy."
"I was really happy that we got to play football in our P.E. sessions. I really want to improve my skills, especially shooting."
Autumn 2 Week 1
What a fantastic first week back after the break!
In English this week, children have begun looking at the book ‘FArTHER’ by Grahame Baker-Smith. We started off on the first day back, looking at the slow reveals of the book and what children thought the book would be about. We looked at some items/equipment that were in the book, as well as the front cover itself. Children will work towards writing out their own setting description whilst taking ideas and inspiration from the book.
We began looking at multiplication and division for our first unit this term in Maths. Children are using their knowledge of timetables to work through difficult questions. We looked at ways to dissect questions and use our prior and concrete knowledge to help us understand the numbers better. We looked at factors and squared numbers. Children are enjoying learning their timetables as there are a few games that we play. We are also continuing our timetables this term, twice a day, and have started with the 4 times table. It is important children carry on learning and understanding their timetables at home.
We began our new science topic by looking at forces. We discussed the forces that act upon us and introduced the key vocabulary. Children were able to describe what gravity is and how it works on us and everything around them. We also looked at how some objects overcome gravity to help them fly or move.
In our PSHE lesson we looked at what makes us who we are. We found that society places us into groups based on what we like, e.g. football. We did some work on writing down our culture on a culture wheel and shared it with the rest of the class. We found that even though we are similar, we have a lot of differences which we should all be respectful of.
We continued our research for Black History Month. We focused on Harriet Tubman and how she fought to free people from slavery. We learnt that she was an important person in history to help combat racism that was happening during the cotton-picking era. Children made quilts and joined them together from work with Lewis Hamilton, Mae Jameson and George Washington Carver.
‘I really enjoyed taking part in a colouring competition for school for Halloween. We also made Jack-o-lanterns and made skeletons, which we took home. I couldn’t wait to take what I made out for trick-o-treating’.
‘I really enjoyed gymnastics. I couldn’t wait to do it because gymnastics is my favourite thing to do’.
‘I’ve really improved my maths this year and like that it is fascinating. I understand numbers a lot better and like that I can help others.'
Autumn 1 Week 7
Our English topic this week came to an end. Children have been writing their formal mission log for their second writing outcome. Children use their learning from previous lessons to make their formal mission log as technical and informative as possible, remembering to include all features. Children used relative clauses and phrases for additional information. We also had thesauruses out for children to improve their sentences and writing. Children ended the topic by drawing a poster for their formal mission log.
Children worked extremely well this week in learning all about geometry and measures in their maths. We used protractors for angles and rulers to draw accurate lines for our shapes. Children also worked on finding the perimeter for shape and then also missing lengths. Children also finished their 2x tables this week and have now learnt their 2’s, 5’s and 10s.
Our science topic this week is linked with our PSHE lessons. We looked at the importance that black scientists have played in the improvements in modern day science. Children produced a wonderful fact poster, displaying all the wonderful work that those scientists have done. We also finished our science topic with an assessment. Children worked in groups to test their knowledge with a quiz from ‘Kahoot!’ Our PSHE lessons also focused on the importance that black people play in our society. Children chose between four iconic people that have had a huge contribution to society: Lewis Hamilton, Martin Luther King, Simeone Biles and Nelson Mandela.
Children in Junior Jam this week worked on their iPads to record themselves singing their rap. We also created our beat and matched our words to that beat. In French, we practised counting in 10’s and the children were super impressed by this. We practised our cricket skills again this week in P.E. We practised throwing the ball at the wicket and also hitting the ball.
All the children had a wonderful time this week because of their behaviour treat. We were treated with an assault course and had a lot of fun tackling it. Children were reminded about ‘Meadowhead Heroes’ and how we can work towards being rewarded for having an awesome week. For those that missed some time, children had the opportunity to reflect on their behaviour and how it can be corrected for next time.
“I really enjoyed celebrating what people have achieved in their lives. It is important that all children, regardless of the colour of their skin, are appreciated and respected at all times”.
This week was my first week at Meadowhead Junior School and all the children have been really welcoming. Even though I know a few children, it has been amazing to get to know everybody. I like Mr Alli as my teacherand I enjoyed settling into school."
“I really enjoyed our cricket with Junior Jam. I like that we get to learn whilst we also have fun.”
Autumn 1 Week 6
Children this week have worked extremely well on planning their formal mission log in English. They used their prior knowledge from the previous writing outcome to begin their formal mission log. Children chose between Apollo 12, 14 and 17 to do some research on. Children were fascinated with what the astronauts had to plan for and why they went on their mission. Children worked in pairs to complete their plan, including the new grammar they had been taught this week. Children also became astronauts and reporters during one of our sessions, testing each other’s knowledge. We worked on brackets (for additional information) and relative phrases and pronouns.
In Maths this week, children completed their work on addition and subtraction. We moved on from working on a number line to working on a grid method. Children chose between mentally adding, grid method and jotting to complete calculations. Children showed immense progress as at the beginning of the week they were struggling to work mentally. Children found ways to round and find connections between numbers (numbers bonds).
In science, we continued with our topic of living things and their habitats. We looked at how non-flowering plants reproduce and how this differed from a flowering plant. Children then move onto researching how seeds are dispersed. This is linked with their TAPS enquiry to research and find examples of how seeds are spread across the world. Children learn that seeds are moved by wind, water, explosion, are hung on animals or excreted by animals.
In our Junior Jam sessions, we began with computing. This involved children creating a beat and then rapping about something we like. Our French sessions included looking at the subjects we do in school in French. We then wrote out sentences and read them to the class. Our Junior Jam session ended with striking and fielding outside on the playground. We practised our cricket skills.
Our art session consisted of children making their visual map come alive. Children made 2D maps of an island and then converted these into 3D models. We first looked at what maps look like on Google maps and what trees looked like from a birds-eye view. We then switched to the street view, where the children were able to see how the dimensions had changed.
Our guided reading sessions consisted of looking at ‘The infinite lives of Maisie Day’. Children were excited about working on this book as it was one that they were focusing on for their end-of-day class novel. We worked on predictions for the parts of the text we hadn’t read, and then moved onto understanding characters' thoughts and feelings.
“This week has been my first week at this school and I have loved it. Phoebe has been an amazing friend and really helped me settle in. I loved doing P.E and doing athletics in the hall.”
“Every year on the 10th of October is ‘World Mental Health Day’. We started off doing a word search and then learning about how we can be more positive towards ourselves and others. We then made a poster for World Mental Health day to raise awareness for others”.
Autumn 1 Week 5
In English this week we continued our work on a formal mission log. We spent some time looking at formal language and identifying words that are. We then discussed why formal language is used over informal language. We then looked at a formal mission log and identified key features from it. Children were able to find numerous features from ‘What a good one looks like’ and use these examples in their own.
This week in Maths continued working on addition and subtraction. We looked at jumping on a number line, however, looking at compensating numbers. Children were able to draw on their knowledge of place value, rounding numbers and decimals to correctly answer questions. This new learning gives them the opportunity to try and work equations out in their heads using the techniques learnt. We also looked at rearranging questions that we could answer a lot more efficiently.
Science this week, we began looking at the life process of a plant. Children recapped their precious knowledge of parts of a plant and went into detail about what pollination, fertilisation and germination were.
In PSHE we looked at empathising with children whose lives are different from ours. Children discussed similarities and differences between themselves and other children from around the world. This included home life, disabilities, religion, environment and appearance.
Our R.E session this week focused on ‘Why Christians need the Bible?’ and if it is important. We then held a debate on how life would be different if we didn’t have the Bible. Children were able to produce both sides of the argument and then choose a side to debate about.
Visual maps were our focus this week in art. Children will spend the next 2 weeks completing their own 3D map. Children today looked at our school from a birds-eye view and drew the rooms and hall. Children preserved through this and produced some wonderful visual maps.
“I really like this week because we had the chance to stand a debate about what we thought was right.”
“I’m really enjoying improving my handwriting this year. This is a goal I have for this year and I really want to get better at it.”
Autumn 1 Week 4
In English this week we have written out our exploration narrative of the moon. The children have written a wonderful narrative packed with wonderful features. We have been improving the grammar that we have introduced into our work. Children have been using inverted commas (speech marks), dashes for parenthesis and expanded noun phrases. Children have listened to each other’s work and even had the opportunity to edit and improve their work. We have had thesaurus out and exploration vocabulary to add to the narrative. Children have agreed that they have written ‘What an even better one looks like’.
This week in Maths, children finished off the unit of place value and moved onto addition and subtraction. We looked at ways to make adding and subtracting easier. We partitioned numbers – recalling our prior knowledge- to help us tackle the equation. We looked at making jumps on a number line, which was different to the column method.
Children drew some fantastic bar charts in their science this week. They used their research from the previous week, of the gestation periods, to make their bar charts. Children liked that they could show their research as a bar chart rather than just a table. We then also researched the life expectancy of different animals on average. They were shocked at how many years some animals live for, and how short some insects live for.
In our PSHE lessons we talked about rules and responsibilities. We talked about the rights we have in school and in the wider community. We discussed what we should do to keep our local community clean and safe. In our class and base assemblies, we carried on the topics of democracy and ambition. We discussed how we are all important and how we need each other for support. We linked this to a cart and how the small bolt keeps the very important wheel moving.
Our art session consisted of children using a map to draw typography. We drew what we could see on the maps, using the road and streets. Children really enjoyed this as children were able to draw what they saw (just like looking up at the clouds).
Most children came in with their P.E. kits on this week, and we had a wonderful time perfecting our hockey skills again. We first played a game of air hockey and then moved onto getting the hockey sticks out and a ball. Children focused on their dribbling skills again and passing.
"I loved playing hockey this week. I am starting to get the hang of it and my passing is getting better. I liked playing air hockey as a warm-up".
"I really enjoyed writing about my space exploration this week. We made a plan with a partner and now have written our narrative. We used a success criteria which made it easier to follow what I needed to use. I then showed my work to Mrs Lawton. She was super impressed and couldn't wait to read more.
Autumn 1 Week 3
This week in English we continued our work on our exploration narrative. Children this week enjoyed becoming astronauts and discussed the thoughts and feelings the astronauts would be experiencing. We role-played walking on the moon and the children were creative with this. We even had a ‘moonwalk’. We then began starting our plan, where children would write their own moon land exploration. Children have learnt some exciting grammar and vocabulary which they will introduce into their work.
Maths this week involved children rounding numbers to the nearest 10,100,1000,10 000 and 100 000. Children used their knowledge of place value to also find the greatest number. Children have also enjoyed practising their timetables twice a day. They have 2 minutes to complete 40 questions on their 5x table and are showing daily improvements.
In science, children continued the topic of living things and their habitats. We looked at the differences and similarities between a mammal, an amphibian and an insect. Children filled their findings into a Venn diagram and were then able to share their research. Children also researched the gestation period of mammals and were amazed to find the range at which the periods last for.
In our shared reading, children were able to look at different examples of how a non-fiction text is set out. We looked at examples from books, websites and interactive displays. We discussed layout features and how it would attract readers' attention. Children enjoyed looking at the ‘European Space Agency’ website for kids.
Children learnt this week about trade in the UK. We talked about supply and demand and where trade points are in the UK. We discussed why we have a canal in Blackburn and why they thought it was a good idea to build one. We wrote down the different economic sectors in the UK and what they produce. We also improved on our vocabulary in Geography.
Our Junior Jam sessions continued on Mondays and children were still very enthusiastic. They began with computing, where they had the opportunity to make beats on their iPads. They then went into French and wrote what their favourite hobby was. They ended the day with P.E. and really enjoyed the athletic games that the coach put on.
“I really liked the ESA website for children as I got to learn more about space in a fun way. I think that websites that are interactive with games and learning really help to keep my attention. When I go home, I am going to search the website and learn more about space.”
“This year I really want to get better at my handwriting. We started off with some warm-ups on PenPals to get our hands and arms warmed-up.”
“Hockey is a sport I saw in the Olympics during the summer. We had a go at controlling the ball first with the hockey stick and then went into passing and controlling the ball.”
Autumn 1 Week 2
In English this week we have started looking at our exploration narrative. We explored Neil Armstrong’s mission to the moon and discussed the ambitions the astronauts needed to have. We had fun looking at and exploring their equipment and working on their thoughts and feelings. Children looked at a WAGOLL (what a good one looks like) in an exploration narrative and all agreed that by the end of the unit they would have ‘What an even better one looks like’. Whilst working on this, children have also learnt new grammar which they have inputted into their work.
Maths this week involved continuing working on place value. Children enjoyed working with the resources and further developing their understanding. We compared numbers and found numbers on a number line, looking at numbers up to 1,000,000. Children look forward to completing challenges and helping others.
Living things and their habitats is our unit this term in Science. We had a lengthy discussion about ‘what is science?’ and children were able to share their thoughts and ideas. Children enjoy their science lessons as they can research and complete experiments. We learnt about the life cycle of a butterfly this week and found similarities and differences between the two types of birds.
We started our Geography topic this week by looking at what trade is. Children were fascinated by finding out where their uniforms and food came from. We looked at the countries of Brazil and India to see what they exported and imported. We learnt that trade is very important because there are things that we require that are not available in our country.
Junior Jams had their first session on Monday with the children. Children enjoyed all subjects and were so enthusiastic. Computing involved playing music through an app called iJam. In French, children learnt how to say what activities they like and P.E. they took part in athletic games. Wednesday was also our P.E. session and children took part in a carousel of athletic games.
“We did art on Friday and started looking at Typography. We researched two famous artists that have made their artwork known. I liked that we were able to get laptops out and work with a partner. I am excited about doing some typography work and getting creative.”
“I liked that I was given the opportunity to speak in front of the class and vote to become a values representative. We role-played like it was a voting station and posted our votes onto a tray. Our assemblies this week have been fun to take part in. In our base assembly, we looked at inspirational people and then, the class assembly looked at how we can become ambitious.”
Autumn 1 Week 1
In English this week, we worked on a recount of a story. This involved writing a diary entry in first person and then further retelling the story. Children revisited their grammar skills and then made some fantastic sentences. Children retold the story and really enjoyed becoming the character and discussing his thoughts and feelings.
In Maths, we reintroduced place value. Children were able to recall their prior knowledge and use it to work on numbers that went into hundreds of thousands. They used place value counters and place value arrows to figure out the value of each number.
We started our Science topic this term by looking at living things and their habitats. We had lengthy discussions about life cycles and then went into detail about a life cycle of a bird.
Each afternoon in Base 5 we worked on our core values. This links to our PSHE. This involved looking deeply into British values and our new Meadowhead core values. We had a visitor that spoke to our base 5 children about respect and tolerance, within our school and the wider community. In class, we focused on values such as teamwork, friendship, respect, kindness and ambition. Our class and base assemblies also covered racism and how we can overcome adversity.
Pupils voice
"I really enjoyed our English lessons this week. It felt really amazing to be writing again after 6 weeks off. I really like becoming the character and thinking about his thoughts and feelings. I liked that we got to watch a video and then have discussions. We learnt that a good writer will help the reader to become part of the story."
" I really like that we are able to come to school and feel safe and secure. We are recognised for how we walk around school and our teachers are kind with the dojos. We are respectful of the play equipment, and we like that it is now being looked after."
Class 5G - Our Learning - blog
Spring 2 Week 1
Children have had a wonderful start after the short holidays.
In English this week, children were introduced to a new book called ‘The Promise’ by Nicola Davies. The first session was writing out a prediction based on clues that were slowly given to the children. We then looked at the front cover and discussed what we thought the book would be about. We read the book, so that we had a better understanding and compared that to our predictions. We then moved onto looking at a character's narrative and what key vocabulary had been used. We found the definition of those words by using dictionaries.
We began our week of Maths by completing our work on angles. We used a protractor to find angles up to 180o and then moved onto drawing our own from the angles given. We also looked at how we could work out angles over 180o and how they would be drawn. We then began a new topic, which is fractions. We looked at what is a fraction and how it is written. We then moved onto how we could convert improper fractions into mixed numbers and vice versa.
In Science, children began a new topic called Materials and their properties. In this session we first found out what children knew from previous years. We had a discussion around solids, liquids and gases and how they play a part in our lives. We then moved onto identifying materials and placing them onto a table. We looked at glass and rubber in more detail and what we could spot around the classroom. Children then filled in a table identifying the properties of the material and then moved onto finding materials in the classroom to add to it.
In D.T. this term, children will be working on designing a sustainable, reusable bag. We will look at how stitching and the correct stitch is important for the integrity of the bag in future lessons. We also evaluated some products of our own. We looked at the size, shape, price and function of the bag and compared it to each other.
In Junior Jam this week, the children began with French. They practised heads, shoulders, knees and toes and then moved onto learning fruits. Football is their focus in P.E. and this week they practised dribbling and passing skills. In music, children looked at opera singing and what tone was suitable for it.
We practised our oracy skills this week in a PSHE lesson around anti-racism. We first looked at the importance of speaking and listening and how both could not be done at the same time. We then did some roleplay based around a menu. Children worked with a partner, one being a costumer and the other being a waiter. They role-played the scenario and then swapped around. Pictures were taken so we could discuss what is needed when speaking to each other. Eye-contact, hand gestures and taking turns is what we talked about and then when we re-did the roleplay. We then had a discussion around if all people were special and what makes them special. We took turns agreeing and disagreeing with that statement.
In P.E. we played a couple of games that helped to develop our throwing and catching techniques. Our warm-up started with an invasion game where children had to try and escape out of an area without being caught. For the main part of the session, children moved around the hall with a bib or ball and practised their skills to try and find a partner. We also worked on our bowling skills with accuracy.
P.E. This term is on Mondays and Fridays
Our new reading target for the class is to read and pass 350 books as a class and for each child to read and pass 6 quizzes each as a minimum.
Homework: Goes out on a Friday, one task to be completed in a week, returned to school by the following Friday.
Spring 1 Week 6
In English this week we have written our final formal report from Dr. Watson to Sherlock Holmes. The children have done an excellent report and used many of the techniques we have been practising over this half term.
In Maths we have moved on from multiplying and dividing and have focused on geometry. We have looked at reflection of shapes over a mirror line. We also looked at co-ordinates and finished the week with a game of the pirate game. This focused on teamwork logic and of course co-ordinates.
In this week’s Science lesson we looked at statements and decided whether they were true or false, focused on our topic of Earth and Space. We looked at these statements at the beginning of the term and revisited them this week to see if our knowledge had changed.
On Thursday’s children are given the opportunity to learn gymnastics from Coach Catherine. It is wonderful to see children enthusiastic and willing to give everything a go. Children this week learnt a sequence with a partner. They focused on working as a team and completed some bridging games. The coach will be setting challenges between the two classes every week. This week was a rope climbing challenge. 5G won this week and earned themselves some extra dojos.
In PSHE we had a focus on Safer Internet Day. We spoke about scams and things we can do to help us recognise them. We also spoke about who we can speak to if we are worried about anything that comes up and what we can do.
In Geography we looked at and researched biomes in Northern, Southern and Central America. We looked at the climate of each of the biomes. We also had to find a fascinating fact about our chosen biome.
On Friday afternoon we spent time celebrating Break The Rules Day. We have taken part in the day by wearing our own clothes, having wacky/crazy hair, painting our nails, wearing a hat in school, having temporary tattoos and bringing an unhealthy snack. The children were allowed to choose which rules they broke. They were asked to pay 50p for each rule that was broken to help raise money for school funds.
‘I enjoyed football at lunchtime this week because we were able to solve differences and work as a team.’
‘I liked doing maths, doing the different shapes in the reflections.’
‘I enjoyed gymnastics because I managed to climb the ropes to the top and help our class win the challenge.’
‘I liked writing the formal report because it was interesting’
Children also received a treat from Ms. Gill for working hard as a class and reading and passing quizzes on over 300 books. Well done 5G!
Spring 1 Week 5
In English this week we have been looking at a new scene from the book and gathering information to write a formal police report from Dr. Watson to Sherlock Holmes. This week we have had a go at writing a summary paragraph using the skills we have been practising this week. We have also planned our report ready to begin writing next week.
In Maths, we have moved on from place value and have looked at multiplying and dividing by 100 and 1000 and began our measurement topic. We have been converting centimetres into metres and metres into kilometres. We have now begun our geometry topic by looking at reflection.
This week’s Science lessons have been concentrated on the movement of the Moon around the Earth and how it rotates whilst it is orbiting the Earth. We then also spent time looking at the different phases of the Moon throughout the lunar month.
In Thursday’s P.E. children are given the opportunity to learn gymnastics skills from Coach Catherine. It is wonderful to see children enthusiastic and willing to give everything a go. Children this week learnt a sequence with a partner. They focused on working as a team and completing a circuit of different activities. The coach will be setting up challenges between the two classes every week. This week was a skipping challenge. 5G won this week and earned themselves some extra dojos.
In PSHE we had a focus on Children’s Mental Health Week. We spoke about our emotions and things we can do to help us when we are struggling with them. We also spoke about who we can speak to if we are struggling or worried about anything.
In Geography we looked at and researched time zones across the world. We looked at the prime meridian line and whether other countries were ahead of us in time or behind us. We discovered that if we were in the western hemisphere, we would be behind the UK and if we were in the Eastern Hemisphere, we would be ahead of the UK. We researched time zones in different cities across the globe.
On Friday afternoon we spent time celebrating NSPCC Numbers Day. We have taken part in the Times Tables Rock Stars challenge to answer as many questions correctly as we could against the other classes within our class and also across the UK.
‘I enjoyed P.E. doing the different circuits’
‘I enjoyed Maths this week looking at our times tables’.
‘I enjoyed finding out what the behaviour treat is for this term and I’m very excited’
Spring 1 Week 4
In English this week we have started to work towards our new writing outcome of: Formal Report Writing. Over the next few weeks we will be looking at a new scene from the book and gathering information from the scene to write a formal police report from Dr. Watson to Sherlock Holmes. This week we have looked over the new scene to begin our gathering of information. We also used this to help us recreate the scene with roleplay, pretending to be different characters.
In Maths we have moved on from place value and have looked at prime, composite and square numbers. The children have enjoyed playing square number bingo this week to solidify their knowledge. We have also been revisiting our previous work with the grid method to help us with our multiplication. The children worked hard on this and recalled their previous knowledge.
This week’s Science lessons involved looking at the orbits of the 8 planets around the Sun. The children were surprised at how far some of the planets are away from the Sun. We also researched each of the planets’ surfaces and atmospheres. We then looked at how shadows are created, also how the appearance of shadows changes throughout the day. We then had a look at making some of our own shadows using torches and opaque objects. That was fun.
On Thursday’s children are given the opportunity to learn gymnastics from Coach Catherine. It is wonderful to see children enthusiastic and willing to give everything a go. Children this week learnt a sequence with a partner. They focused on two types of jumps; tuck jump and jumping full turn. They also introduced forward roll, teddy bear roll, log and shoulder roll. They worked on timing and eye contact to perform their wonderful sequence in groups of twos and threes. The coach will be setting challenges between the two classes every week, 5A had won this week.
In PSHE we looked at job roles that we may want to do in the future. We looked at what we think you might need to do to be able to do these jobs. We looked at 3 steps that people would need to work on to achieve their role. We again enjoyed a game of job charades, where the children had to guess what the job role that was being mimed was.
In Geography we researched the physical features of North, South and Central America. We are then able to complete a game of Kahoot, which the children thoroughly enjoyed, in which we checked our knowledge of human and physical features.
'I enjoyed experimenting with torches to investigate shadows'
'I liked looking at our job roles that we want to do in the future when we are older. I liked that lots of people had different ideas.'
In P.E. I enjoyed the balance and working as a team'.
Spring 1 Week 3
This week in English we have begun writing out our cliffhanger narrative. We are basing our narrative off the chapter of Watson chasing the stranger from the Hounds of Baskerville. We first began repeating our discussion on ‘what is a cliffhanger?’. Children came up with some wonderful examples of cliffhangers from shows they have watched or stories they have read. We looked over the vocabulary we learnt last week and looked at ways to introduce it into our narrative. We also looked at historical words we could use as our narrative was set in the past.
In Maths this week we have been focusing on mental calculations, adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers and working out missing numbers. Children have worked wonderfully this week and have shown that they are learning ways to solve problems mentally. Children used many ways for mental, such as rounding and imagining numbers or a number line.
In Science this week, children have worked on finding facts about the 8 planets in our solar system. Children used knowledge from last week and use of the working wall to add facts to their work. We then ended the week looking at questions about the solar system and using laptops to help us answer the questions.
On Thursday, children are given the opportunity to learn gymnastics from Coach Catherine. It is wonderful to see children enthusiastic and willing to give everything a go. Children this week learnt a sequence with a partner. They focused on two types of jumps; tuck jump and jumping full turn. They also introduced forward roll, teddy bear roll, log and shoulder roll. They worked on timing and eye contact to perform their wonderful sequence. Coach Catherine will be setting challenges between the two classes every week, 5G had won the first week.
In PSHE, we looked at job roles that we may want to do in the future. We looked at what we think you might earn doing certain jobs. Some of these shocked the children. We enjoyed a game of job charades, where the children had to guess what the job role that was being mimed was.
'I enjoyed doing Space in Science this week. I have learnt more about the planets.'
I enjoyed gymnastics with Coach Catherine because we have new challenges to do every week and this week we won!'
'I liked doing the maths and the challenges were hard. It made me use my brain'
Spring 1 Week 2
The children have been amazing in school this week, having visitors in class and answering questions about their learning. I am so incredibly proud of them.
This week in English we have continued our focus on the book ‘Hounds of Baskerville’ by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Children looked at key vocabulary from the book and found definitions for them, before trying to write them into their own sentences. We also looked at key scenes, text and layout features and how the writer used vocabulary to build up tension to create cliffhangers. We have also written a brief paragraph, based on one of the scenes, to write our own cliffhanger.
In Maths we began by revisiting place value. Children were able to use their prior knowledge from September to help them understand the numbers and their values. We looked at rounding numbers to the nearest 2 decimal places, negative numbers and estimating answers based on our previous knowledge.
In Science this week, we began our new topic of Earth and Space. We revisited our work from last week looking at our true and false statements about our Solar System. We then moved on to the planets in our Solar System and looked at the order they are in. The children enjoyed going into the hall and arranging them into the correct order.
We began our Geography topic for the term this week by looking at The Americas. The children used atlases to locate where they were on a world map and, in comparison, to where we are in the United Kingdom. We then looked closely at South America and again used the atlases to find the names of all the countries in South America.
In P.E. this term, children on a Thursday are taught gymnastics from an instructor. Children learnt shackle, teddy bear hug, pike and tuck in this lesson. All the children took part and really enjoyed the session.
‘I enjoyed Science this week. We worked as a team in the hall to put the planets in the right order.’
‘This week I enjoyed P.E. practising the teddy bear roll’.
Please can we remind all children to complete their accelerated reading daily and homework weekly. Children are expected to read for 20 minutes daily. We have begun a competition in 5G around reading, so we want all children to take part in this.
P.E. days for this term will be:
Mondays & Thursdays
Spring 1 Week 1
We have had an amazing start to the new term.
Children began the week writing their prediction for the book ‘Hounds of Baskerville’ by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Clues were revealed before the front cover of the book for children to try and work out what the book could be about. We also looked at extracts from the text and worked on the skill of summarising texts. Children also looked at key vocabulary from the book and found definitions for them, before trying to write them into their own sentences.
In Maths we began by revisiting place value. Children were able to use their prior knowledge from September to help them understand the numbers and their values. We looked at numbers with 3 decimal places and found the worth of each digit. We then compared and organised each of the numbers.
In Science this week, we began our new topic of Earth and Space. We first discussed our enquiry question, which is ‘Why does it go dark during an eclipse?’. Children then used statements and organised them into true and false. This will then give children the opportunity to revisit this at the end of the topic to see if they will change their statements based on all the learning that they have done.
For our PSHE and R.E. topic this week we have been looking at religions from around the world. Children focused on the 6 major religions and researched key facts about them. The religions were Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Sikhism and Hinduism. We found that ‘World religion day’ is celebrated on the third Sunday of January every year and will fall this year on the 19th of January.
In P.E. this term, children on a Thursday are taught gymnastics from an instructor. Children learnt shackle, teddy bear hug, pike and tuck in this lesson. All the children took part and really enjoyed the session.
Please can we remind all children to complete their accelerated reading daily and homework weekly. Children are expected to read for 20 minutes daily. We have begun a competition in 5G around reading, so we want all children to take part in this.
P.E. days for this term will be:
Mondays & Thursdays
'I enjoyed the gymnastics this week and can't wait for next week with Miss Catherine'
'I think Science is going to be fun this term, I want to learn about the planets'
Autumn 2 Week 8
We ended our last week in Autumn 2 by writing out our biography about Henry Box Brown. We went over features and structures of a biography and children found key vocabulary that they added into their own.
We finished working on ‘Time’ for this week. Children used their prior knowledge to identify time on a digital and analogue clock. Children consolidated by playing games and testing each other on time.
We enjoyed our Christmas performance on Wednesday evening. We would like to thank all children and parents who attended. It was a great success!
On Thursday we had our behaviour treat which they children thoroughly enjoyed. The theme was ‘Nerf Battle’. They showed good teamwork and had a wonderful time. Children were also given extra time if they had good attendance over the whole term. Some children also missed out on some time due to gaining a reflection sheet throughout the term.
On Friday we had a base Christmas party in the hall. Children enjoyed playing games, colouring and watching a movie. We also did quizzes, sang and dance to some Christmas songs.
Autumn 2 Week 7
This week in English we have continued with our book ‘Henry’s Forbidden Box’. This is looking at a true story of the Underground Railroad. The children have so far enjoyed looking at the story. We began the week by exploring what our writing outcome would be. Our outcome for the rest of the term is to write a biography about a person we know a lot about. We have chosen to write about our main character, Henry Box Brown. During the week we looked at another biography about Martin Luther King Junior and at the text structure and language features within it. We then did some research into Henry Box Brown's life to gather ideas to use in our biographies. Today we finished the week by planning out our biography.
In Maths, we have had a focus on time this week. We have focused on the basics of the 12 hour and 24-hour clock, before moving on to converting analogue (am/pm) to digital time. We finished the week by looking at timetables and working out how long a television programme lasted for and began to compare those to each other.
In Science this week we have focused on friction. We conducted an experiment looking at the types of surfaces that would easily let a car roll down and which would not. We then discussed what made it harder for the car to roll down and why that might be.
In History, we have looked at how the cotton famine affected the people of Lancashire. We looked at how people having to move around for jobs would have affected them and the influences that people who moved to and from the area for work brought with them. We worked in groups to create a presentation about this which we will be fine-tuning next week before we are able to present it to the class.
We have lots of events this week at school, including, Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas Dinner and the Christmas fayre on Thursday. We have also been practising hard for our Christmas performance with base 6, singing our songs, practising our poem and learning Makaton to go with them. We hope to see you and the children next Wednesday from 5.30pm – 6.30pm so that you can see the fruits of their hard work.
‘I enjoyed our Christmas dinner and jumper day’.
‘I have enjoyed learning about the cotton famine in History’.
Autumn 2 Week 7
This week in English we have continued with our book ‘Henry’s Forbidden Box’. This is looking at a true story of the Underground Railroad. The children have so far enjoyed looking at the story. We began the week writing our first paragraph of our diary extract, writing as Henry who is inside his box being posted to Philadelphia to escape to freedom. We then continued the week writing the next few paragraphs about the injustice of slavery and Henry’s thoughts, feelings and physical reactions to being in the box. For the last two days we have completed our assessments for the Autumn term. The children worked hard on these.
In Maths we have had a focus on multiplication again this week. We have been looking at working out the area of squares and rectangles. We then challenged ourselves to work out the areas of rectilinear shapes. We finished this week with the first of our two assessments for the Autumn term.
In Science this week we have focused on buoyancy. We conducted an experiment looking at the types of objects that would sink, and which would float. We then had a discussion as to why this may be.
In R.E. we have been continuing our topic of the Christmas story in the Bible. This week we have looked at the ‘Flight To Egypt’ part of the Christmas story, where Mary and Joseph had to flee to escape Herod. We talked about their thoughts and feelings and also made comparisons to modern day times when people may have had to flee from where they were living.
In History we have looked at how the cotton industry affected different cultures. We looked at how people having to move around for jobs would have affected them and the influences that people who moved to the area for work brought with them. We also had a second lesson in History this week, in which we looked at the treatment of workers in the cotton mills and on cotton plantations. We made lots of links to our English with this and the injustices to people working in the industry in the past.
We have also been practising for our Christmas performance this week, including songs and our poem to perform as a class (one of which involves Makaton). These have been sent home with the children for this week's homework.
Autumn 2 Week 6
This week in English we have continued with our book ‘Henry’s Forbidden Box’. This is looking at a true story of the Underground Railroad. The children have so far enjoyed looking at the story. We began the week writing our first paragraph of our diary extract, writing as Henry who is inside his box being posted to Philadelphia to escape to freedom. We then continued the week writing the next few paragraphs about the injustice of slavery and Henry’s thoughts, feelings and physical reactions to being in the box. For the last two days we have completed our assessments for the Autumn term. The children worked hard on these.
In Maths we have had a focus on multiplication again this week. We have been looking at working out the area of squares and rectangles. We then challenged ourselves to work out the areas of rectilinear shapes. We finished this week with the first of our two assessments for the Autumn term.
In Science this week we have focused on buoyancy. We conducted an experiment looking at the types of objects that would sink, and which would float. We then had a discussion as to why this may be.
In R.E. we have been continuing our topic of the Christmas story in the Bible. This week we have looked at the ‘Flight To Egypt’ part of the Christmas story, where Mary and Joseph had to flee to escape Herod. We talked about their thoughts and feelings and also made comparisons to modern day times when people may have had to flee from where they were living.
In History we have looked at how the cotton industry affected different cultures. We looked at how people having to move around for jobs would have affected them and the influences that people who moved to the area for work brought with them. We also had a second lesson in History this week, in which we looked at the treatment of workers in the cotton mills and on cotton plantations. We made lots of links to our English with this and the injustices to people working in the industry in the past.
We have also been practising for our Christmas performance this week, including songs and our poem to perform as a class (one of which involves Makaton). These have been sent home with the children for this week's homework. The performance will be on Wednesday 18th December from 5.15 to 6.30. A letter has gone home this week.
‘I enjoyed Science this week because we learnt more about buoyancy’.
‘I have enjoyed learning about the cotton mills in History’.
Autumn 2 Week 5
This week in English we have continued with our book ‘Henry’s Forbidden Box’. This is looking at a true story of the Underground Railroad. The children have so far enjoyed looking at the story. We began the week analysing the different language and text features of the book to aid us in writing our diary extracts next week. We then did lots of role-play using freeze-frames and hot-seating to gather ideas of Henry’s thoughts and feelings throughout the story. Finally, we have created our plan together in pairs that will help us next week to write our diary extract.
In Maths, we have had a focus on multiplication this week. We have been looking at different strategies we can use to work out 3-digit and 4-digit multiplications by a 1-digit number.
In Science this week we have focused on measuring the force using forcemeters. The children enjoyed looking around the classroom and measuring how many newtons the forcemeter read.
In R.E. we have been continuing our topic of the Christmas story in the Bible. This week, the differences in the telling of the story of Christmas in two Gospels, Matthew and Luke. We have also looked at why Christians use particular items to symbolise Christmas and why they are important in the celebration of Christmas. We looked at advent wreaths, the nativity scenes, stars, candles and angels.
In P.E. we connected some of our previous poses and stances from the last three. We planned out and practised these moves in our pairs, before performing them for the class. Next week we will be doing this to music.
‘I enjoyed doing gymnastics because it was fun planning all the different moves. I can’t wait to do it to music.’
‘I enjoyed Science this week because we learnt more about foremeters’.
‘Maths has been fun this week because we have been looking at multiplications in a fun way’.
Autumn 2 Week 4
This week in English we have started our new book called ‘Henry’s Forbidden Box’. This is looking at a true story of the Underground Railroad. The children have so far enjoyed looking at the story. We began the week making predictions about what we expected the book to be about based on objects and pictures. We then looked at the front cover before making some more predictions. We then looked at some of the key vocabulary within the book and found their definitions by being ‘Dictionary Detectives’.
In Maths, we have had a focus on fractions this week. We have been looking at equivalent fractions and turning fractions into decimals.
In Science this week we have focused on the force of Gravity. We researched who discovered gravity and how, also Newton’s Law. We then looked at how gravity works on different objects.
In R.E. we have been continuing our topic of the Christmas story in the Bible. This week we have focused on the true meaning of Christmas. We have focused on the different versions of the story within the Bible.
In P.E. we connected some of our previous poses and stances from the last three. We planned out and practised these moves in our pairs, before performing them for the class.
‘I enjoyed doing gymnastics because it was fun planning all the different moves.’
‘I enjoyed Science this week because we learnt more about gravity’.
‘Maths has been fun this week because we have been looking at fractions in a fun way’.
Autumn 2 Week 3
In English this week we have planned and written our narrative story based on our current book FArTHER. We began the week by roleplaying the boy from the story and asking each other questions about the role of the boy and interviewer. We then created a step-by-step plan to help us with our writing during the week. We focused on metaphors, adverbials, modal verbs and expanded noun phrases. The children then write their individual stories, before peer marking each other’s and giving them feedback using two stars and a wish.
Our Maths have been a bit tricky this week, looking at taking away first before moving on to division. In our division we have looked at partitioning numbers, using the triangle method for known facts to help us, fact boxes for multiplication and the bus stop method using chunking.
During Science this week we have planned and prepared an experiment to explore air resistance. We planned to make two different parachutes of varying sizes. We chose between tin foil, tissue paper and plastic, we also chose the length of string and the size of the weight at the bottom. We then chose to keep the height we dropped them from the same. In our next science lesson, we then gathered our materials and created the parachutes. We enjoyed this very much.
In P.S.H.E we have been focusing on Odd Sock Day for Anti-Bullying week and how we are all unique. We looked at this through thinking about the many ways we can be different from each other. Together we then created a 5G pledge of how we can show respect to the people in our class, school and further afield.
In P.E. we worked in groups to create a counter-tension balance. We then practised moving carefully and gracefully from one movement to the next. The children were all very good at this. It's really impressive.
On Friday we celebrated Children In Need by wearing yellow and some Pudsey-themed activities.
‘I enjoyed English when we learnt about the father in the story and began writing our paragraphs. It was really fun! I liked the description and the emotions.’
‘I enjoyed it when Junior Jam came in to teach us about computing. It was lots of fun recording the shapes. When I clicked play, the shapes started to form’
Autumn 2 Week 2
In English this week we have been analysing the text and illustrations in our book ‘FArTHER’. We have each chosen an illustration to focus on getting ready for our independent planning and writing next week. We have looked at the characters in the illustration and how they may be thinking or feeling. We have also studied the pictures themselves and described them using fantastic adjectives and nouns through looking at the background, middle ground and foreground and any significant people or objects.
In Maths, we finished working on our multiplication for this term and moved onto division. We have also spent a day working on our subtracting skills to help us with this. We have been practising the method of chunking to help us with our division where the number remains a whole number.
In P.E. with Junior Jam, we practised our under and over-arm throwing skills to help us in our game of dodgeball this week. In P.E. with Ms. Gill, we continue to work on our balancing skills in pairs. We have worked on three new balances and will be using this next week to help us practice moving from one balance to another.
On Tuesday afternoon, we enjoyed a visit from Blackburn Rovers for our P.S.H.E. At that we talked about racism and prejudice. The children enjoyed this and took lots away from it.
Science has been fun this week with our first experiment of the term in our force's topic. This week we have looked at how air resistance works. We created different sized helicopters and dropped them from the same height to work out which would fall to the ground the quickest and why. The children worked out that the smaller helicopter would land first because it is smaller, so that there is less air resistance working on it.
In our R.E. we have begun the topic of the Christmas story and how it is told in the Bible. We discussed what we already know about Christmas in general and any knowledge that the children had of the Christmas story itself.
“I have enjoyed doing our English and learning about the father trying to fly with his contraption.”
“In Junior Jam I enjoyed practising my dodgeball skills”
Autumn 2 Week 1
In English this week we have been immersing ourselves in our new book ‘FArTHER’. We have been making predictions about what we expect the book to be about. We have also been looking closely at illustrations and how they portray emotions through personification. We have also worked together in groups to look at illustrations and how they show the feelings of the sea and weather.
During Maths this week we have focused on multiplication, particularly looking at factors and multiples. We used our previous knowledge of Venn Diagrams in Science last term to help us sort out common factors of two given numbers.
In D.T. we have begun our topic of cooking and nutrition. This week we have focused on how food comes from the farm and ends up on our plates.
During Science, we have begun by looking at our prior knowledge of forces from year 3. We looked in particular at; air resistance, water, resistance, gravity, friction and upthrust/buoyancy.
In P.S.H.E. we have started the topic of Celebrating Difference. We have looked at how we can belong to different groups, including; music, food, celebrations, hobbies, clothes, family.
We also had two focused afternoons this week in which we took part in activities for Black History Month and also Halloween. For Black History Month we discussed Rosa Parks and her impact on Black segregation in America. We also created inclusion posters to show that we all matter, and we are all equal. For Halloween, we did a range of fun activities including; word searches, code-breakers and creating Jack-O-Lanterns.
We have had a fantastic week back at school after half-term.
'I really like P.E. and doing gymnastics, it's something different to playing football.'
Autumn 1 Week 7
In English this week we continued our work writing our formal mission log. We spent some more time looking at formal language and identifying words that are. Children were then able to use these techniques to create our mission log report and have drawn images that go alongside. There have been some fantastic pieces of work created along with some great posters of going to space.
Maths this week we have been working on accurately measuring angles and drawing our own angles. We then moved on to accurately measuring and drawing lines ourselves before creating accurately measured shapes.
Science Children have been investigating and researching scientists who have black heritage within science that have made an impact. We looked at George Washington Carver, Mary Jackson and Mae Jemison. We also did a fun recap quiz of our knowledge from this term.
In PSHE we looked at Black History Month again, looking at people who had made a contribution to the world we live in, but who had faced adversity on their journey to success. We looked at Sir Lewis Hamilton, Martin Luther King Junior, Dominque Dawes and Nelson Mandela.
Our R.E session this week focused on recapping our previous knowledge from throughout the topic. We did this with a quiz.
Children this week took part in a hockey session for their PE. They worked on defending, attacking and passing. They then played a game and focused on this to work as a team.
“I really enjoyed working on our Mission Log and learning about the moon this term”.
“I really enjoyed Bikeability this week and being safe on the roads”
“I have enjoyed Science and learning about Black people who have made a contribution to our lives in Science”
Autumn 1 Week 6
In English this week we continued our work on a formal mission log. We spent some more time looking at formal language and identifying words that are. We then discussed why formal language is used over informal language. We spent some time hot-seating and pretending we were astronauts and how we would feel during the mission and discussing any challenges we may have faced. Children were then able to use these techniques to create a plan for our mission log report and have begun to write it.
Maths this week we continued working on addition and subtraction. We have also looked at addition and subtraction using a written method for both whole and decimal numbers. The children have just begun to look at statistics and analysing data through bar charts.
Science this week we began looking at the life process of a plant. Children recapped their precious knowledge on parts of a plant and went into detail about sexual and a-sexual reproduction of plants, particularly looking at Fern and Conifer trees.
In PSHE we looked at our Mental Health and celebrated World Mental Health day, writing sentences on how we can think positively about ourselves and how we can help others to think positively.
Our R.E session this week focused on Holy Books from the main world religions. We researched how they are used in religion, when they are used, who wrote them and when they were written.
“I really enjoyed the fact that the Mental Health day was fun because we looked at lots of things to help others”.
“I have been enjoying doing statistics and reading the data, which has made me learn more”.
"I really enjoyed art today. I made 3D visual map of a beach."
Autumn 1 Week 5
In English this week we continued our work on a formal mission log. We spent some time looking at formal language and identifying words that are. We then discussed why formal language is used over informal language. We then looked at a formal mission log and identified key features from it. Children were able to find numerous features from ‘What a good one looks like’ and use these examples in their own.
Maths this week we continued working on addition and subtraction. We looked at jumping on a number line, however, looking at compensating numbers. Children were able to draw on their knowledge of place value, rounding numbers and decimals to correctly answer questions. This new learning gives them the opportunity to try and work equations out in their heads using the techniques learnt. We also looked at rearranging questions that we could answer a lot more efficiently.
Science this week we began looking at the life process of a plant. Children recapped their precious knowledge on parts of a plant and went into detail what pollination, fertilisation and germination were.
In PSHE we looked at empathising with children whose lives are different from ours. Children discussed similarities and differences with themselves and other children from around the world. This included homelife, disabilities, religion, environment and appearance.
Our R.E session this week focused on ‘Why Christians need the Bible?’ and if it is important. We wrote arguments for and against about whether the Bible is important or not. Children then chose a which side they would like to represent. Children were respectful and took turns to counter the debate.
“I really enjoyed practising my defending skills in hockey this week and also our team games in athletics”.
“I didn’t realise how big the school was until we had to draw our visual map of the school in our art session, it was hard, but I didn’t give up”.
Autumn 1 Week 4
In English this week we have written our exploration narrative of the Moon. The children have written a wonderful narrative packed with wonderful features. We have learnt grammar that we have introduced in our work. Children have been using inverted commas (speech marks), dashes for parenthesis and expanded noun phrases. Children have listened to each other’s work and even had the opportunity to edit and improve their work. We have had the thesaurus and word hippo out and exploration vocabulary to really improve our work. Children have agreed that they have written ‘What an even better one looks like’.
This week in Maths, children finished off the unit of place value and moved onto addition and subtraction. We looked at ways to make adding and subtracting easier. We partitioned numbers – recalling our prior knowledge- to help us find the answers. We looked at making jumps on a number line, which was different to the column method.
Children drew some fantastic bar charts in their Science this week. They used their research from the previous week, of the gestation periods, to make their bar chart. Children liked that they could show their research as a bar chart rather than just the usual table. We then also researched the life expectancy of different animals. They were shocked at how many years some animals live for, and how short some insects live for.
In our PSHE lessons we talked about rules and responsibilities. We talked about the rights we have in school and in the wider community. We discussed what we should do to keep our local community clean and safe. In our class and base assemblies, we carried on the topics of democracy and ambition. We discussed how we are all important and how we need each other for support. We linked this to a cart and how the small bolt keeps the very important wheel moving.
Our Art sessions consisted of children using a map to draw typography. We drew what we could see on the maps, using the road and streets. Children really enjoyed this as no one had the same ideas. Some include elephants and ghosts!
" I really enjoyed P.E. this week even though we got a little bit wet. We practised our hockey skills and even got into a match. I really like coming to school with my P.E. kit on and can't wait for next week".
"I like that as a base we get together to have an assembly. We have good discussions with each other and share our ideas".
Autumn 1 Week 3
During English this week, we have continued learning all about Space. The book we continue to look at is called When we walked on the Moon. Children wrote a setting description all about The Moon in which they used grammar that we learnt about this week to make their writing engaging and descriptive. We continued to focus on collected examples of grammar using an example descriptive text. This will help them when children write their own narrative next week.
In Maths, we have continued to work on place value in particular rounding and finding 10,000 more or less than a given number. Children continue to use various resources such as place value counters and place value charts to help with their learning. We continue to work on our times tables so children are confident and fluent when recalling these number facts ready for later parts of Maths. Children have been showing fantastic teamwork when working collaboratively and discussing their work during lessons using Mathematical vocabulary when working out answers.
As we continued Science looking at living things and their habitats, children have been continuing comparing life cycles of various animals including the differences and similarities between mammals and birds. Children have also learnt about gestation and researched various animals gestation period and seeing if they can link this to their weight.
During PSHE, children were being democratic and were given the chance to vote for the two children who they wanted to represent 5CG for the Values committee. The children were given voting slips and voted in secret. They then posted their votes into a box to give them a insight into real life voting. This was a great success, and children thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Pupil Voice
“On Monday Afternoon Junior Jam came into school. What I really enjoyed the most was the computing. We learned how to create a steady beat using iJam”
“My favourite part of the week was PE. I liked learning new skills and having a game with my friends.”
Autumn 1 Week 2
In English this week, we have started our new topic, all about space. The book the children have been looking at is called When we walked on the Moon. Children wrote predictions about what they thought the text was going to be about from a sound clip and images that they might find there. Children have been writing a descriptive poem all about the moon and have been writing a character reaction as if they were landing on the moon. The pieces of work have been fantastic, with children using everything they have learnt during grammar to make their writing descriptive and engaging.
In Maths, we have continued to work on place value, in particular comparing and ordering numbers. Children have been using various resources such as place value counters and number lines to help with their learning. At the start of each lesson, we continue to work on our timetables, so children are confident and fluent when recalling these number facts ready for later parts of Maths.
As we continued Science, we wrote an explanation about the life cycle of a bird and then compared a Blue Jay to a Bald Eagle. Children used key vocabulary and used research to help them understand this process.
During P.E, children started their indoor lessons with indoor athletics and practiced a number of skills including chest throw, how to throw a javelin and demonstrated excellent stamina when working as a team in various running activities. In their outdoor lessons, we started invasion games, particularly Hockey. Children learnt how to hold a hockey stick correctly and performed key skills including dribbling and passing in a range of activities.
In our assemblies, we have been thinking about what the children’s ambitions are for the future looking at role models who have struggled in earlier life and have managed to overcome barriers to be where they are including JK Rowling and Sir Lewis Hamilton. We have also been focusing on Democracy ready for an exciting opportunity for our children to become part of our new ‘Values Committee’
In our RE, we have begun to look at why the Bible is important to Christians. The children shared what their previous knowledge of the Bible was and any questions that they would like to answer about the Bible. We then began to look at the structure of the Bible which we will continue next week.
In PSHE our new topic is all about ‘Being Me In My World’. We have started this topic by looking at what targets and achievements we would like to set ourselves for this academic year. We have set both class and individual targets, that we will revisit and assess at the end of the school year.
We have begun our Geography topic of ‘The Environment’, by looking at what trade is. The children gave some fantastic answers of what they understood trade to be, before we explained this. We also talked about how not all countries are able to make or provide all their own products and services and that sometimes they have to import or export goods. We then focused this week on Brazil, researching some of the imports and exports of the country.
Pupil Voice
“On Monday Afternoon Junior Jam came into school. What I really enjoyed the most was the music that we were taught. We used a program called ijam and was taught an introduction of how to play the keyboard. I can’t wait for Mondays”
“My favourite part of French was learning how to say ‘I like and I don’t like certain activities’ I also enjoyed Science when we looked at comparing a Blue Jay to a Bald Eagle and their life cycle. I enjoyed it because I learnt more about the birds.”
Autumn 1 Week 1
In English this week, we worked on a recount of a story. This involved writing a diary entry in first person and then further retelling the story. Children revisited their grammar skills and then made some fantastic sentences. Children retold the story and really enjoyed becoming the character and discussing his thoughts and feelings.
In Maths, we reintroduced place value. Children were able to recall their prior knowledge and use it to work on numbers that went into hundreds of thousands. We finished this week with a look at numbers that go beyond zero and into the decimal places up to thousandths. They used place value counters and place value arrows to figure out the value of each number.
We started our Science topic this term by looking at living things and their habitats. We had lengthy discussions about life cycles and then went into detail about a life cycle of a bird.
Each afternoon in base 5 we worked on our core values, this links to our PSHE. This involved looking deeply into British values and our new Meadowhead core values. We had a visitor that spoke to our base 5 children about respect and tolerance, within our school and wider community. In class we focused on values such as, teamwork, friendship, respect, kindness and ambition. Our class and base assemblies also covered racism and how we can overcome adversity.
Pupils voice
“It felt good to be back at school again after the summer holidays. I enjoy being in a routine and able to see my friends. The new rewards system is enjoyable. I love trying to outscore my friends after each day. It’s fun receiving dojos for different things.”
“Maths was my favourite part of the week. It took me a while to remember how to do certain things but when my teacher showed me, I quickly remembered and remembered why I love Maths so much. We have been looking at place value and using the place value counters has really helped me.”