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Welcome to Year 3 Class Page

We are really excited to share all our news and information with you - as well as the children's achievements!

Our class teachers are Mrs Barnes (3B) and Miss Stockton (3S)

Our support assistants are Mrs Rawlings (3B) and Miss Kelly (3S)

If you need to speak to your child's class teacher, please catch us after school or by making an appointment via the office. We look forward to a really exciting school year!




Class 3B - Our Learning - blog

3B Autumn 1 Week 2 

This week we have been learning about democracy. We learnt about the different political parties in the UK and where our Prime Minister, Keir Starmer lives. We discussed how a ballot system works and even had a chance to practise this, as we voted for our Value Committee members. 

During our English lessons, the children discovered our class novel this term will be The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. We have been reading the story and collecting words and phrases we could use to describe the Iron Man. The class have written their own kenning poems, which were brilliant! 

During our immerse lessons, we were given many clues and I guessed the book was the Iron Man. But it's not the same Iron Man from Marvel! - Harris 

Year 3 had their first gymnastics lesson this week and loved it! The class worked on their balancing techniques and began to practise many gymnastic movements, such as straddle, pike, tuck and front support. The children began sequencing the movements together and even tried a log roll and forward roll! 

I love gymnastics! I am going to practise every week at home, so I can get even better! - Lyric

This week was our first Junior Jam Monday! During the music lesson, the class enjoyed using keyboards to create a tune. Year 3 learnt about scales, major scales and root notes. 

I didn't like it ...I loved it! - Charlie

As part of the computing lesson, Year 3 discussed different types of instruments, beats and producing music. They used the app GarageBand and encouraged and supported each other as they all took turns to create and listen to each other's beats. 

3B Autumn 1 Week 1

We have had an amazing first week in year 3! Both classes have settled in wonderfully and have been demonstrating our school values each day. We have been very impressed of how well the pupils have familiarised themselves with the new class routine.

In our English lessons this week, we have been writing recounts of our summer break. We looked at various recounts and identified the key features of this genre of writing. Year 3 planned and wrote their own recounts including all the wonderful memories they have made this summer!

This week, I have learnt that recounts must be in chronological order and written in the past tense. - Charlie

We wrote about what we got up to over the summer holidays in first person. I liked drawing pictures in my plan to remind me what to write about. – Kashana

During our Maths lessons, we have been practising our ten times tables. As you can see the class enjoyed getting up and active to practise these and remained excited and engaged.   

We have been learning our 10 times tables. I enjoyed getting to move around, I thought it was fun. – Sky

We have been working on Number and Place Value this week, focusing on exchanging 10 ones for 1 ten and exchanging 10 tens for 1 hundred. We have been exploring this using concrete materials. The class enjoyed working in pairs to consolidate their learning

I enjoyed using base tens and ones and playing a game with my partner. – Daniel










In school we have undertaken an Anti-Racism week, an important initiative aimed at reinforcing our school values and addressing race equality within our diverse community. Year 3 have engaged in meaningful discussions and created their own posters.

We have been learning about racism and important people who can be celebrated during black history month and every month. – Amelia

We have made anti-racism posters and watched some videos about premier league footballers who said we should give racism the red card. – Carter

In school we have undertaken an Anti-Racism week, an important initiative aimed at reinforcing our school values and addressing race equality within our diverse community. Year 3 have engaged in meaningful discussions and created their own posters.

We have been learning about racism and important people who can be celebrated during black history month and every month. – Amelia

We have made anti-racism posters and watched some videos about premier league footballers who said we should give racism the red card. – Carter



Class 3S  - Our Learning blog 

3S Autumn 1 Week 2

In our English lessons this week, we were given clues about our class story. We have then been predicting what we think it will be about. We looked at different pictures from the book and wrote our predictions. Later in the week, we found out that the book is The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. We used words and phrases that describe the Iron Man to write our own Kenning poems.

I found the pictures strange because I didn’t know what the story was going to be. – Rose 

I thought the pictures looked like the olden days. - Allanah 


In Geography, we have been looking at different types of maps. We found out about the counties of England and that we live in the county of Lancashire. We learnt how to use an Atlas and a compass to find lots of different places, including where our school is. 

This week, we learnt about all different types of maps. – Adara 

I learnt how to remember the directions on a compass. - Hollie 


During our first French lesson, we learnt how to introduce ourselves. We also learnt our numbers by playing a game. 

I liked learning greetings and my numbers. – Leen 

We counted in French using a song. – Adara 

The song uses French and then in English, so you understand what it means. - Eduard 

3S Autumn 1 Week 1  

We have had an amazing first week in year 3! Both classes have settled in wonderfully and have been demonstrating our school values each day. We have been very impressed with how well the pupils have familiarised themselves with the new class routine.   

In our English lessons this week, we have been writing recounts of our summer break. We looked at various recounts and identified the key features of this genre of writing. Year 3 planned and wrote their own recounts including all the wonderful memories they have made this summer! 

I learnt that recounts are in the past tense. - Adunola 

An introduction always goes at the beginning. - Aadiya 














During our Maths lessons, we have been practising our ten times tables. We have also been working on Number and Place Value this week, focusing on exchanging 10 ones for 1 ten and exchanging 10 tens for 1 hundred. We have been exploring this using concrete materials. The class enjoyed working in pairs to consolidate their learning. 

In school we have undertaken an Anti-Racism week, an important initiative aimed at reinforcing our school values and addressing race equality within our diverse community. Year 3 have engaged in meaningful discussions about how we can treat everybody fairly. 

I will help people when they are sad. - Daniel I 

I will tell the teacher if someone is being mean. - Issac 



Home learning & Learning Overview