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Welcome to Year 3 Class Page

We are really excited to share all our news and information with you - as well as the children's achievements!

Our class teachers are Mrs Barnes (3B) and Miss Stockton (3S)

Our support assistants are Mrs Rawlings (3B) and Miss Kelly (3S)

If you need to speak to your child's class teacher, please catch us after school or by making an appointment via the office. We look forward to a really exciting school year!




Class 3B - Our Learning - blog

3B Autumn 1 Week 6 

Hello Yellow

We have been learning about Young Minds, a charity set up to promote good mental health for young people. We discussed the importance of talking about our own wellbeing and recognised how we can feel different emotions. Wearing yellow accessories on this day really brightened the mood around school. As part of an activity, we wrote all the wonderful things we love about each other on yellow post-It notes on each other’s backs and at the end we revealed all the amazing things people like about us!

I have really enjoyed doing the Hello Yellow games today. I liked writing on peoples back and keeping what I wrote a secret. – Isla

Seeing everybody wearing yellow makes me feel happy. – Kashana

It made me feel proud when I read all the things people thought about me! – Charlie



During our gymnastics lessons, Year 3 have been building strength in their arms and core as they work towards being able to do a cartwheel. They even had a competition to see who could keep their body weight off the bench for the longest. Charlie was our champion!

I am getting much better at balancing and I can almost do a forward roll now! - Shaun

I think I am getting stronger. I can balance and hold it for longer and I think I am going to be able to climb to the top of the rope soon. – Arlo

I wish we did gymnastics every day! – Harris

During the gymnastics club after school, Catherine had the idea of creating a formation, and I was chosen to balance on the top and catch somebody else's legs as they did a handstand. Mrs Livesy was really impressed when she saw us and we all got dojos! - Lyric 



Year 3 have been enjoying using the keyboards during their music lessons this week. The class learnt that a Drone is the easiest accompanying note played for a long time to play over harmonies. In pairs, the children experimented with different sounds, note lengths and even mixed their own melodies.



3B Autumn 1 Week 5 


We received an exciting letter this week from the town mayor, asking for our help to trap the Iron Man. Year 3 have risen to the challenge and were very excited to design their own traps. After brainstorming ideas individually, the children worked in groups to come up with a design to present to other groups, acting as members of the council. The class came up with some amazing and imaginative ideas and explained how the features of their traps worked in detail, using some fantastic language!

It is so exciting that we have received a letter from the Mayor, that means the Iron Man must be real! – Layton

My design has two rockets to lift the Iron Man because he is so heavy! – Grayson

I enjoyed working as apart of a team and going into the hall to draw our designs, its fun to get to move around and stretch whilst working. – Charlie



The children have been learning all about perimeter this week. They have used counting to calculate the perimeter of a polygon drawn on squared paper. They have been able to name 2D shapes, recognise the length of each square and then use the squares to decide what step size to count in, to work out the perimeter.


I have enjoyed learning all about perimeter this week. I like learning about different shapes. – Archie

I know that 10mm is equal to 1cm - Daniel

I have been improving in my maths lessons! – Arlo



During our Animation unit, Year 3 have been exploring the work of illustrator Chris Mould and had fun sketching their own Iron Man, inspired by his work.


My favourite part of my learning this week has been learning how to draw the Iron Man. I cant wait until next week when we are going to make his eyes move! – Brooke

3B Autumn 1 Week 4 


Year 3 have started their new unit of work, length and perimeter. They had the chance to create 2D shapes on geoboards with right-angle and side properties. The class have also practised drawing 2D shapes using isometric paper.

I love maths! This has been my favourite lesson so far! I like it when we get to use the maths equipment! - Isla 


We are in the writing stage of our English unit this week and the class have enjoyed writing their own Approaching Threat Narratives. Our classroom is full of exciting vocabulary, pictures to inspire us, and plenty of writing! We can't wait to finish our stories and put them on display in Base 3! 

I like using the purple polishing pens to edit my work. It helps me look for where I need to improve. - Lyric 




Year 3 have enjoyed practising their gymnastics by completing a variety of balancing activities. The class is becoming much more confident with these movements and balances each week.


Grayson won the Achievement Award this week for working extremely hard in both English and Maths and becoming much more independent each week. 

Alice won the Values Award this week for demonstrating the value of ambition! She has shown great determination in her gymnastics lessons each week. 

3B Autumn 1 Week 3 


Year 3 have enjoyed acting in the role of the characters from The Iron Man. They worked in small groups to create freeze frames that displayed the moment that the Iron Man is first seen at the top of the cliff, looming down over the fields, showing their reactions to seeing the giant. The children described what the Iron Man looked like and how they were feeling about seeing him. As a class, we gathered ideas and wrote down words and phrases, ready for our character description.









I enjoyed acting out the roles because it’s always fun to play a different character and it helps you get into the mind of that character. – Paisley

I had fun spending some of the lesson outside and pretending to be Hogarth. – Charlie



Year 3 have enjoyed their computing lesson during Junior Jam this week. We have been learning the main elements of the drum, cymbal, snare and kick for our music production instrumentation.

I love school on Mondays, we have Junior Jam. It’s the best! – Charlie

I like the drumming sound. It reminds me of the infant school because we have heard something like that there. – Kashana  



The class practised a sequence and even had a chance to test their strength by climbing the ropes.



In our Geography lessons, we looked at two maps of Blackburn. One was from 100 years ago and one is a present-day map. We looked for symbols we recognised and compared the two maps and spotted similarities and differences.


I enjoyed looking at the old and new maps of Blackburn and comparing them. – Jimmy

I liked that we got to spot the differences between the two maps of Blackburn and find the symbols on both. – Brooke

I liked finding places that I recognised and have visited on the Blackburn map. – Amelia



Jimmy won our achievement award this week for making great effort to contribute ideas during class discussions and is growing in confidence each week.

Brooke won our values award this week for demonstrating the value of friendship. She is always helpful and kind to others in class.

3B Autumn 1 Week 2 

This week we have been learning about democracy. We learnt about the different political parties in the UK and where our Prime Minister, Keir Starmer lives. We discussed how a ballot system works and even had a chance to practise this, as we voted for our Value Committee members. 

During our English lessons, the children discovered our class novel this term will be The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. We have been reading the story and collecting words and phrases we could use to describe the Iron Man. The class have written their own kenning poems, which were brilliant! 

During our immerse lessons, we were given many clues and I guessed the book was the Iron Man. But it's not the same Iron Man from Marvel! - Harris 

Year 3 had their first gymnastics lesson this week and loved it! The class worked on their balancing techniques and began to practise many gymnastic movements, such as straddle, pike, tuck and front support. The children began sequencing the movements together and even tried a log roll and forward roll! 

I love gymnastics! I am going to practise every week at home, so I can get even better! - Lyric

This week was our first Junior Jam Monday! During the music lesson, the class enjoyed using keyboards to create a tune. Year 3 learnt about scales, major scales and root notes. 

I didn't like it ...I loved it! - Charlie

As part of the computing lesson, Year 3 discussed different types of instruments, beats and producing music. They used the app GarageBand and encouraged and supported each other as they all took turns to create and listen to each other's beats. 

3B Autumn 1 Week 1

We have had an amazing first week in year 3! Both classes have settled in wonderfully and have been demonstrating our school values each day. We have been very impressed of how well the pupils have familiarised themselves with the new class routine.

In our English lessons this week, we have been writing recounts of our summer break. We looked at various recounts and identified the key features of this genre of writing. Year 3 planned and wrote their own recounts including all the wonderful memories they have made this summer!

This week, I have learnt that recounts must be in chronological order and written in the past tense. - Charlie

We wrote about what we got up to over the summer holidays in first person. I liked drawing pictures in my plan to remind me what to write about. – Kashana

During our Maths lessons, we have been practising our ten times tables. As you can see the class enjoyed getting up and active to practise these and remained excited and engaged.   

We have been learning our 10 times tables. I enjoyed getting to move around, I thought it was fun. – Sky

We have been working on Number and Place Value this week, focusing on exchanging 10 ones for 1 ten and exchanging 10 tens for 1 hundred. We have been exploring this using concrete materials. The class enjoyed working in pairs to consolidate their learning

I enjoyed using base tens and ones and playing a game with my partner. – Daniel










In school we have undertaken an Anti-Racism week, an important initiative aimed at reinforcing our school values and addressing race equality within our diverse community. Year 3 have engaged in meaningful discussions and created their own posters.

We have been learning about racism and important people who can be celebrated during black history month and every month. – Amelia

We have made anti-racism posters and watched some videos about premier league footballers who said we should give racism the red card. – Carter

In school we have undertaken an Anti-Racism week, an important initiative aimed at reinforcing our school values and addressing race equality within our diverse community. Year 3 have engaged in meaningful discussions and created their own posters.

We have been learning about racism and important people who can be celebrated during black history month and every month. – Amelia

We have made anti-racism posters and watched some videos about premier league footballers who said we should give racism the red card. – Carter



Class 3S  - Our Learning blog 

3S Autumn 1 Week 6

In French this week, we learnt how to ask and answer the question “Where are you from?” 




“I really enjoy the songs in French.” - Eduard 
"It's fun learning a new language." - Ava


On Thursday 10th October, we celebrated World Mental Health day. We were allowed to come into school wearing yellow to spread some happiness. We also used post-it notes and wrote nice things about our friends on their backs. It was a nice surprise when we got to read them! 




“It was nice to see the lovely things people thought of me.” - Nadia 
“My friends are very kind.” - Bryan 


We have also been doing some Iron Man work in Art. We drew our own Iron Man but his eyes could change colours! This is part of our animation unit. 

“Mine changed from red to green.” - Allanah 
“Mine had 3 different coloured eyes.” - Natalia 

3S Autumn 1 Week 5

In Computing, we used Ipads to make a song. We put together all the different sounds to create our own music. 



“I really enjoy making music on the Ipads.” - Daniel 
“I had so much fun!” - Bailey 


In Geography, we discussed why a population might increase or decrease. We acted out each scenario to show how this will change a population. These included more/less jobs, having children/not having children and illnesses/good healthcare. 




“Population would decrease if there was a war.” - Issac 
“People might move to somewhere safer if there was an earthquake.” - Rose 


In English, we have been designing a trap that could be used to catch the Iron Man. We acted out how our traps would work and what would happen to the Iron Man when he got trapped. 




“The Iron Man wouldn’t be able to escape my trap.” - Natalia 
“My trap would use quicksand so then the Iron Man can’t get out.” - Adara 

3S Autumn 1 Week 4

This week in Maths, we have been looking at adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers together. We did this by splitting one of the numbers into 10s and 1s, adding the 10s first and then adding the 1s. We used a number line to help our learning. 



“This made it easier for me to add and subtract bigger numbers.” - Noah 

“This was easier than counting on my fingers.” - Nadia 


In Science, our topic this term is Animals including humans, with a focus on nutrition. We have explored the main food groups and how each nutrient helps our body. We have also identified which foods belong to each food group. 




“Sweet things taste really good, but you shouldn’t have a lot of them.” - Hollie 


In Art, our topic is making animated drawings. This week, we looked at animation made by Andrew Fox and Steve Kirby and we drew our own versions of the animals that they used. We then drew our own version of the Iron Man from a video by the Illustrator, Chris Mould. 






“I thought the crab was really funny.” - Eduard 

“The stag looked beautiful.” - Aadiya 

3S Autumn 1 Week 3

In our PE lessons this week, we continued our gymnastics. Last week, we started by learning some gymnastics movements such as the pike, straddle and tuck. This week, we practised those skills again and moved onto climbing up the ropes! 



“We had to do log rolls which was rolling without our head or legs touching the ground.” - Issac 

“I got all the way to the top!” - Sirraj 


In RE, we have been learning about the harvest festival. We talked about what we think it is and why it is an important celebration for some people. We discussed the foods that we are grateful for. 


“Harvest is giving thanks for our food.” - Adunola 

“I am grateful for the food that God gives us.” - Bryan 


In English, we have continued our Iron Man story. We went outside and pretended we could see the Iron Man on a cliff, like it says in the story. We later discussed what it would be like to be our main character Hogarth and how we would feel if we saw the mysterious figure standing on a cliff. 



“I would be curious if I saw the Iron Man.” - Issac 

“I would wonder if he was nice or mean.” - Nadia 

3S Autumn 1 Week 2

In our English lessons this week, we were given clues about our class story. We have then been predicting what we think it will be about. We looked at different pictures from the book and wrote our predictions. Later in the week, we found out that the book is The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. We used words and phrases that describe the Iron Man to write our own Kenning poems.

I found the pictures strange because I didn’t know what the story was going to be. – Rose 

I thought the pictures looked like the olden days. - Allanah 


In Geography, we have been looking at different types of maps. We found out about the counties of England and that we live in the county of Lancashire. We learnt how to use an Atlas and a compass to find lots of different places, including where our school is. 

This week, we learnt about all different types of maps. – Adara 

I learnt how to remember the directions on a compass. - Hollie 


During our first French lesson, we learnt how to introduce ourselves. We also learnt our numbers by playing a game. 

I liked learning greetings and my numbers. – Leen 

We counted in French using a song. – Adara 

The song uses French and then in English, so you understand what it means. - Eduard 

3S Autumn 1 Week 1  

We have had an amazing first week in year 3! Both classes have settled in wonderfully and have been demonstrating our school values each day. We have been very impressed with how well the pupils have familiarised themselves with the new class routine.   

In our English lessons this week, we have been writing recounts of our summer break. We looked at various recounts and identified the key features of this genre of writing. Year 3 planned and wrote their own recounts including all the wonderful memories they have made this summer! 

I learnt that recounts are in the past tense. - Adunola 

An introduction always goes at the beginning. - Aadiya 














During our Maths lessons, we have been practising our ten times tables. We have also been working on Number and Place Value this week, focusing on exchanging 10 ones for 1 ten and exchanging 10 tens for 1 hundred. We have been exploring this using concrete materials. The class enjoyed working in pairs to consolidate their learning. 

In school we have undertaken an Anti-Racism week, an important initiative aimed at reinforcing our school values and addressing race equality within our diverse community. Year 3 have engaged in meaningful discussions about how we can treat everybody fairly. 

I will help people when they are sad. - Daniel I 

I will tell the teacher if someone is being mean. - Issac 



Home learning & Learning Overview